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Ellen G. White -- Messenger or Medium?                                                     59

                                                The "Bottomless Pit"

                     Mrs. White's statement that the expression "bottomless pit" represents the earth in a state of
              confusion and darkness has no basis whatsoever in the Bible or philology, and is another proof of
              her lack of inspiration!

                     "Bottomless pit" is one of the translations of the Greek word "a'bys.sos." In the Greek this
              word is formed by the intensifying prefix "a" and bys.sos', the Ionic form of by.thos', meaning
              "depth" or "extent." It means "very or exceedingly deep" according to Parkhurst, or "unfathomable,
              boundless" according to Liddell and Scott. The Septuagint translation uses it regularly to translate
              the Hebrew tehohm' (watery deep), as at Genesis 1:2; 7:11. Another interesting meaning assigned
              to the word a'bys.sos in Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon is "THE INFINITE VOID."
              There is no indication at all that the word refers to the earth at large.

                     The Aid to Bible Understanding has this to say about the "bottomless pit":

                     It is noteworthy that the Septuagint DOES NOT use a'bys.sos to translate the Hebrew
                     sheohl', and, in view of the fact that spirit creatures are cast into it, it CANNOT properly
                     be limited in meaning to Sheol or Hades, inasmuch as these two words clearly refer to the
                     common earthly grave of mankind. (Job 17:1316.) It does not refer to the "lake of fire,"
                     since it is AFTER Satan's release from the abyss that he is thereupon hurled into the lake
                     of fire. (Rev.20:13, 7-10)...

                     This book further explains:

                     Romans 10:6,7 aids in clearing up the meaning of the "abyss" in stating: "But the right-
                     eousness resulting from faith speaks in this manner: 'Do not say in your heart, "Who will
                     ascend into heaven?" that is, to bring Christ down; or, "Who will descend into the
                     abyss?" that is, to bring Christ up from the dead."' (Compare Deuteronomy 30:1113.) It
                     seems evident that the "abyss" here refers to the place in which Christ Jesus spent...[three
                     days]...and from which place his Father resurrected him. (Compare Psalm 71:19,20; Mat-
                     thew 12:40.) Revelation 20:7 refers to the abyss as a "PRISON," and the confinement
                     of ABSOLUTE restraint resulting from death certainly harmonizes with this.

                     Since the word abyss can mean "unfathomable," it is of more than passing interest to read
              the following statement in Hasting's Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics (1913, Vol. I, p.54):
              "The impression conveyed by St. Paul's language [in Romans 10:6,7] is of the VASTNESS of that
              realm, as of one that we should vainly attempt to explore." Paul contrasts THE
              INACCESSIBILITY of "heaven" and of the "abyss" with the accessibility of righteousness by
              faith. Therefore, in harmony with Romans 10:6,7, the place that is represented by the "abyss" would
              also evidently imply being OUT OF REACH of anyone but YEHOVAH God or His appointed an-
              gel with the "key of the abyss" (Rev.20:1).

                     Putting all this together, it is evident that the "BOTTOMLESS PIT" refers to a PLACE OF
              ABSOLUTE RESTRAINT away from mankind-possibly somewhere out in "THE INFINITE
              VOID." There is no evidence whatsoever that the earth is that place of restraint!

              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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