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58                                                 Ellen G. White -- Messenger or Medium?

              and all rulers shall serve and obey them" in a RESTORED and ABUNDANTLY BLESSED

                     "No prophetic truth is more explicitly set forth in the Word of God than is the teaching that
              the Kingdom which Christ is to establish is not only to be an EARTHLY DOMINION, but that it is
              to be set up before much more time shall pass -- when, as the Deliverer and long-awaited King of Is-
              rael, He returns TO THE EARTH" (Why I AM Not An Adventist, by a former member. Page 21).

                                               The Saints in Heaven?

                     Ellen G. White claims that: "The millennium is the thousand-year reign of Christ with His
              saints IN HEAVEN between the first and second resurrections." How does this stack up with the

                     We have already seen that YEHOVAH God the Father -- along with Yeshua the Messiah
              and His saints -- will be RULING ON THE EARTH. Yeshua did NOT say that we should go up to
              heaven, to be with Him there. Instead, He PLAINLY said in John 3:13: "NO ONE has ever gone
              into heaven except the one who came from heaven -- the Son of Man."

                     Now that's clear enough, isn't it? Yeshua went, after His death, to heaven -- from whence He
              will come. But He said, in John 8:21, "I am going away [to heaven], and you will look for me, and
              you will die in your sin. WHERE I GO, YOU CANNOT COME. This made the Jews ask, 'Will he
              kill himself? Is that why he says, 'where I go, you cannot come?' But he continued, 'YOU ARE
              WORLD [now].' "

                     Yeshua reiterates this in John 13:33: "My children, I will be with you only a little longer.
              You will look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: WHERE I AM GOING, YOU
              CANNOT COME." Yeshua also said: "Blessed are the meek, FOR THEY WILL INHERIT THE
              EARTH" (Mat.5:5).

                     Did you get that? "Inherit" what? "Inherit the earth" NOT heaven! As we have already seen,
              Yeshua plainly said, "NO ONE HAS EVER GONE TO HEAVEN..." And nobody EVER WILL!!

                     King David of ancient Israel was a man after YEHOVAH's OWN HEART. David has the
              promise of being in the Kingdom of God, ruling over Israel under the Messiah at that time when
              YEHOVAH God and the Messiah will be RULING ALL NATIONS. But, on the day of Pentecost
              when the New Testament Church began, the apostle Peter, inspired by YEHOVAH's spirit, plainly
              said: "For David DID NOT ascend to heaven..."

                     Heaven is NOT the reward of the saved ! When the Messiah RETURNS to this earth to
              gather up His elect, He is NOT going to transport them to heaven to rule from there -- Yeshua and
              the saints will be RULING ON THIS EARTH!

                                                              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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