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Ellen G. White -- Messenger or Medium?                                                     57

                     creditor, so with the debtor. The LAND shall be entirely emptied and utterly plundered,
                     for the LORD has spoken this word.

                     The earth mourns and fades away, the world languishes and fades away; the haughtypeople
                     of the earth languish. The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, because they have trans-
                     gressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore the
                     curse has devoured the earth, and THOSE WHO DWELL IN IT are desolate. Therefore the
                     inhabitants of the earth are burned, AND FEW MEN ARE LEFT.

                     We can see here that there are a few KEY words and phrases such as "scatters abroad,"
              "those who dwell in it," and "few men left" -- in this passage that clearly show there are still SOME
              PEOPLE LEFT on the earth after the carnage that occurs prior to the return of the Messiah and
              YEHOVAH God. And as far as the destruction and desola-
              tion goes -- the cities and towns will be REBUILT

                     Notice what the prophet Amos says:

                     Then at that time, I will REBUILD the City of Dav-
                     id [Jerusalem], which is now lying in ruins, and
                     RETURN IT TO ITS FORMER GLORY, and Is-
                     rael will possess what is left of Edom, and of all the
                     nations that belong to me. For so the LORD, who
                     PLANS IT ALL, has said.

                     The time will come when there will be such
                     ABUNDANCE OF CROPS, that the harvest time
                     will scarcely end before the farmer starts again to
                     sow another crop, and the terraces of grapes upon
                     the hills of Israel will drip sweet wine! I will
                     RESTORE THE FORTUNES of My people Israel,
                     and they shall REBUILD THEIR RUINED
                     CITIES, and live in them again; and they shall plant  James and Ellen White in 1864
                     vineyards and gardens and eat their crops and drink
                     their wine. I will firmly plant them there upon the
                     land that I have given them; they shall not be pulled up again," says the LORD your God. --
                     Amos 9:11-15.

                     The many Old Testament prophecies found in the Psalms, and from Isaiah to Malachi, give
              a GRAPHIC PREVIEW of conditions as they are to exist on the earth during the Millennium. These
              prophecies CANNOT possibly be harmonized with the "1000 years' desolation-of-the-earth" vision
              of Ellen G. White.

                     The teaching of the Bible and the teaching of Mrs. White stand in positive ANTAGONISM
              toward each other. The Bible PLAINLY asserts that "every nation under heaven, and all their
              power, shall BE GIVEN TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD; they shall rule ALL THINGS FOREVER,

              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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