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Phew, you can dish it up!                      With warm greetings,
         The first time I ever came across pre-existence ideas in  Australia
         the way you describe them was Christadelphian al-
         though they were not explained to me and, because I re-  COMMENT: What an absolutely inspiring letter! All of
         jected them outright at the time, I did not ask for further  us can learn from this gentleman's enthusiasm and love
         explanations. They, too, quoted John 1. But, as I wrote  of YEHOVAH's truth! May we all aspire to search the
         earlier to you, Anthony Buzzard's article, and now John  Scriptures daily and learn the hidden (from those who
         Bland/John Keyser's articles are waking me up to a fan-  cannot see) things of God. Thank you, my friend, for in-
         tastic new understanding of what 'the mind of God' is  spiring me during those times when I get a little "down"
         and with the emphasis on pre-existence.        and have difficulty continuing to research and dissemi-
                                                        nate the truth I discover.
         Can you blame me for now also wanting to ask you if I
         can be sent copies of The Berean Voice for myself so I              ***
         do not need to borrow from my friend? So I enclose my
         application herewith.
                                                        Dear friends,
         At the time, some 10 years ago, I was not ready to in-  Thank you for letting me have a renewal form for 'the
         quire  from the Christadelphians about this subject.  Berean Voice Magazine.' A copy of the July/August is-
         Hopefully, now, it shows I have 'grown' somewhat. And  sue was also mailed and received in good order. I have
         yes, I VERY MUCH realize that to accept the subject  not had the pleasure of reading your magazine before,
         DOES place me, too, considerably outside mainstream  this is the first copy I have received. Is it asking too
         belief. It makes the 'little flock' even smaller (seen from  much to let me have the previous three issues? You
         where I stand -- not necessarily from God's standpoint).  would do me a great favour for I am a lone Dutch
         I may be close to 76, but I still so very much love to  brother crying in the wilderness of Spain and trying to
         learn more, to understand more and, hopefully DO more  keep himself posted about what is going on in CSOG.
         of what is required of me. "It is the glory of God to con-  The Journal is a great help and I am always very
         ceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out the  pleased to receive new literature most of which seems
         matter" -- Prov. 25:2. If we live in the hope of becoming  to come out of the States only. I am grateful to my Fa-
         kings and priests in the future life, can we not start by  ther that he inspired me to have a great interest in the
         being just that in this life -- kings that search out a mat-  English language which I learned and also studied for a
         ter? Verse 3 speaks of: "the heart of kings is un-  number of years. It has stood me in good stead ever
         searchable" and I think it is this what makes dogmatics  since I was called by YHWH Elohim and all that I know
         afraid of not being able to control and direct in the way  now is thanks to this fact.
         they want. Surely, our searching does give glory to
                                                        Enclosed is the complete renewal form. Did you know
                                                        that a magazine exists under the name of 'the Hope of
         Some time ago I checked out 'God the Son' -- its not in  Israel'? It is issued by the United Hebrew Congrega-
         Strong's. It must be connected with Trinity concepts. If  tions, PO Box 1058, Picayune, MS 39466. Though there
         Jesus in ACTUALITY began to exist as a man, just how  is little wrong with their teaching of the OT Bible, they
         much greater His achievements! How much more there  do not believe in the NT and neither in the first bodily
         is (if any) to be thankful for what He did for us! Now  existence of Yashua on this earth. They are awaiting the
         this article brings this up, too. What a towering figure  "first" sic, coming of Yashua Messhiach. Having the
         Moses is, but Jesus is truly unique among the prophets  same name in part may give some readers the wrong im-
         and sages. Being given the Holy Spirit without measure  pression about your Church.
         would have been of immense help BUT Jesus STILL
         had to make that awesome AND awful sacrifice!
                                                        Also please find enclosed...covering the cost of the fol-
                                                        lowing three articles:
         I still have to read 9 more pages of the article but I felt I
         just HAD to write. Thank you for  The Berean Voice --
         so very much -- may God indeed bless your      1. Was Yashua Messhiach really in the grave for 3 days
         endeavours!                                    and 3 nights?
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