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letter. You are in our prayers. Regarding air mail, since  Until, for some unknown reason, I was given a copy of
                       the postal rates are so high for this mode of delivery we  the  Plain Truth  to read and that set me off on a new
                       are forced to use surface mail to get the magazine, etc. to  quest -- the search for new understanding. But I first
                       our large overseas mailing list. Even then it can cost as  needed all there was to know BEFORE I asked to join at
                       much as $5.00 per magazine!                     61 and be baptized at 62. It was a period of reading all I
                                                                       could read -- I was insatiable about this new kind of
                                            ***                        revelation. But by December 1992 my disappointment of
                                                                       the changes caused me to resign, and another awkward
                                                                       period was to be endured during which I, nevertheless,
                       Dear Sir,
                                                                       learned much and became to realize that this was a very
                                                                       necessary progression in my search for the truth. The
                       Thank you so much for  The Berean Voice  magazine,  way that the W.C.G. was organized would NEVER have
                       which is really fantastic. I have received the renewal  allowed me to get to where I am now!
                       form for the magazine, but I was wondering, is it possi-
                       ble to renew my subscription over the Internet? As I am  Theology as a study of religion is fine but when it be-
                       still a student, it is hard for me to send money as I do  comes a systemic form of religion with rules and doc-
                       not have a job. Thank you so much for your considera-  trines to which one must assent (consent and agree) or
                       tion by sending me your magazine, which I enjoy very  otherwise finds oneself in very deep waters has cer-
                       much. I am also learning a lot from the magazine and the  tainly become odourous to me. Religions, all too often,
                       Bible. Also, would it be possible to send me the latest  are pitted against each other, showing more of our hu-
                       booklet Muhammad, Islam and Terrorism! Thank you  manness and in the process forget about the Purpose of
                       so much for all that you have done for me.      God and God Himself!

                       Yours Sincerely,                                Often people call themselves non-conformist as a kind
                       M.t.B.                                          of sign to others who are not, yet are so conformist
                       Western Australia                               (conformed) to the particular belief-system of their cho-
                                                                       sen 'church' that, it seems, it is a detriment  to the
                       COMMENT: Your subscription has been renewed and  TRUTH in or out of season.
                       the article sent to you.
                                                                       Denominational life has, of course, a fulfilling aspect to
                                            ***                        it and helps people to grow both socially and spiritually
                                                                       but the opposite side of the coin can be that members
                       Dear friends,                                   begin to feel that 'they know it all.' The ministry in the
                                                                       W.C.G., f.i., would project such an image with also minis-
                                                                       ters having to be called 'Mister' (another form of 'master')
                       Through my mother's insistence over a Godless father, I  and so according to themselves certain privileges as
                       was sent to a "School with the Bible" 'attached' to a now  well as a distance between themselves and the 'laity' but
                       very beautiful restored 13th century church building of  also promoting the idea that all members virtually were
                       the Dutch Reformed Church situated in a small village.  assured a 1st. resurrection by virtue of being in the
                       But after my schooldays little, if any time, was afforded  W.C.G. which, I think, was an utterly dangerous practice
                       to religion until about my 24th year when I became very  and which promoted in many a kind of laziness toward
                       much the free-thinker with philosophy thrown in for  proper study of the Word.
                       good measure during the next 35 years.

                                                                       The last five years, very much with the help of kind min-
                       Just the same, having become my state's head of the  istries such as yours, have been truly amazing! The ex-
                       church group, it became more and more clear to me over  pansion of consciousness cause me sometimes to have
                       time that I could no longer hold on to the theological  sleepless nights from sheer excitement, especially you
                       doctrines that formed part of my ordinations, and so, at  magazine's articles on the Pre-existence of Jesus. Today
                       55, I resigned and was kind of in a wilderness of confu-
                       sion. It was not that I doubted God -- in fact I had a  I was reading the Pre-Existence and the Christ -- article. I
                       strange reassurance -- but I felt very lost for deeper un-  just had to stop reading on p.17 re: The Biblical Pre-
                       derstanding. I realized there HAD to be more to it all but  Existence part for a while just to cool down!
                       WHERE to find it and so another 5 years passed.
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