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Thank you for your magazine.                   Dear Brother John D. Keyser,

         Sincerely,                                     Loving Greetings to you all in the name of YEHOVAH
         P.M.                                           GOD...

                              ***                       We love you and we pray for you all.

         Dear Church of God,
                                                        Messiah loves you, helps you and be with you all. Mes-
                                                        siah always be with you all.
         Your website is YAHSOME!

         I love the way you teach the Word, in you articles...its  We are praying for you, your family and the Hope of Is-
         all great.                                     rael Ministries through the United States and worldwide.
                                                        We are also praying for the growth and development of
         Me and my family believe a lot like you'll...And I'd like a  your wonderful Ministries. May our Holy YEHOVAH
         copy of your article,  The Omer Count and God's  God...bless you all abundantly.
         Weekly Cycle. Thank you so much.
                                                        I am receiving your wonderful magazine THE BEREAN
         I'm only 17 yrs. old, and sometimes it's hard for me to an-  VOICE. I was attracted by your wonderful sermon WAS
         swer all my friend's questions on issues. And I have re-  NOAH'S FLOOD UNIVERSAL? I thank you very much
         ferred them to your website, a lot. And I have printed off  for the wonderful article in July-August 2001 issue
         some of your articles. I love it! It answers my questions  which has been read by me. Thank you.
         so thoroughly!
                                                        Please continue to send your wonderful magazine regu-
         We (my family) learned of the Lunar Sabbaths a little  larly by Airmail for quick delivery. Thanks a lot!
         over 3 years ago, we are so happy about it. I was so
         pleased to read about this on your site! It is so exciting!  I myself and my family and the church in India, we have
                                                        been following the truth which YEHOVAH has com-
         I am so looking forward to hearing from ya'll, and receiv-  manded us to observe. We must need to tell our breth-
         ing the articles.                              ren to do this. We are also proclaiming the name of
                                                        YEHOVAH GOD...
         May Yahweh Bless You'll Forever!
                                                        We have been keeping the Sabbaths and the com-
         Sincerely,                                     manded festivals of our Mighty Father. Please help us
         S.G.L.                                         with your sermons for our church purpose. Thank you.
                                                        Please do pray for me, my family and the church in India.
         P.S. I'll be praying for ya'll.                Thank you very much.

                              ***                       Please help any literature if you have for distribution
                                                        among the brethren in India.
         Yours is the best of over 100 religious publications I've
         received over the past 20 years in prison. I don't have  Thanking you very much for considering His Ministry in
         any $ for a subscription. I pray you can continue to  India.
         send this.

                                                        Awaiting for your reply.
         Thank you,                                     Sincerely yours,
         P.F.L.                                         P.G.N.M.

                                                        COMMENT: Thank you very much for your wonderful
         COMMENT:  Thanks for the vote of confidence! Con-
         sider yourself on the mailing list as long as you wish.
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