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Similarly, the Talmud says (Shabbat 147) that  'For the identity of the 'HOUSE' which the Un-
                 the Lost Ten Tribes came to a calamity be- known had served so gallantly the visitor has
                 cause of the "Wine of Phrygia" and perhaps    merely to raise his eyes to the beautiful West
                 the reference is to a same drunken feast that  Window which lights the memorable words
                 caused the Scythian leaders to be killed and to  on the Warrior's grave. This massive stained-
                 lose control of the Assyrian Empire. Other    glass masterpiece, which was erected in 1735,
                 parallels can be drawn between descriptions   contains four rows of panels. The first three
                 of the exiled Israelites and the Scythians but  rows are composed of full-length figures, the
                 for the moment the point has been made.       fourth being occupied by the Royal arms of
                                                               Britain. To show the significance of this win-
                                                 -- Yair Davidy, Jerusalem  dow, its rows of figures are detailed here
                                                               reading from left to right, the central figure in
                       Westminster Abbey                       each being printed in parenthesis: (first row):
                                                               Abraham,    'Isaac,'  Jacob;  (second  row):
                                                               Reuben, Simeon, Levi, 'Judah,' Zebulon, Issa-
                 This splendid memorial to Celto-Saxon his-    char, Dan; (third row): Gad, Asher, Naphtali,
                 tory was founded, according to tradition, by  'Joseph,' Benjamin, Moses, Aaron; (fourth
                 King Sebert of the East Saxons. Westminster   row): 'The Royal arms of Britain' -- the Lion
                 Abbey Church -- or, to give it its legal title,  and Unicorn, emblem of the united HOUSE
                 the Collegiate Church of St. Peter in Westmin-  OF ISRAEL.
                 ster -- is undoubtedly a focus of Christian
                 worship in the English-speaking world. It is in  'In Westminster Abbey stands the CORONA-
                 many respects unique, being neither an abbey  TION CHAIR, beneath the seat of which lies
                 nor a cathedral. Westminster Abbey, again, is  THE STONE OF DESTINY, the stone which,
                 not subject either to the Archbishop of Canter-  according to tradition, Jacob took for a pillow
                 bury as head of the Established Church or to  (Genesis 28, 18). And in the beautiful Henry
                 the Bishop of London in whose see it stands.  VII Chapel the Knights of the Bath are in-
                 Yet all the English sovereigns, from William  stalled with a ceremony which dates back to
                 the Conqueror to Queen Elizabeth II have re-  the days of KING ARTHUR. Every part of
                 ceived their coronations in it (excepting, of  this building is, indeed, so pregnant with
                 course, Edward V and Edward VIII, who was     meaning that it would be impossible in a short
                 never crowned).
                                                               paragraph merely to catalogue its history and
                                                               structure. Words, again, are altogether inade-
                 Within its hallowed fabric lie the remains of  quate to convey the sense of awe with which it
                 most of Britain's illustrious men and women.  strikes its visitors. Those who have experi-
                 Here, too, is the grave of the Unknown War-   enced its atmosphere of peace and grandeur
                 rior, who, in the words of his gravestone,    will not find it difficult to believe that West-
                 was 'brought from France to lie among the     minster Abbey could, as its name implies, be
                 most illustrious of the land' and was buried  truly God's House in the West -- modern
                 'in the presence of His Majesty King George   equivalent of the splendid Temple of Solomon
                 V, his ministers of State, the Chiefs of his  -- God's House in the East.'
                 Forces  and   a   vast  concourse   of  the
                 Nation....They buried him among the kings                              -- Wake Up! November, 1979.
                 because he had done good toward God and
                 toward his HOUSE.

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