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Therefore let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or A NEW
                       MOON OR SABBATHS" (Colossians 2:16).

                       The association of the weekly Sabbath with the new moon is a common feature in all these
               verses. They are like brother and sister, husband and wife. The new moon is indeed a PENDANT
               -- the weekly Sabbath depends on it for its very existence since it is counted from the day after the
               new moon. Anybody with an open mind should be able to see this. We have seen many instances
               where the "new moon" (chodesh) appears together with the weekly Sabbath (shabbat). The writers
               of the Bible obviously understood the new moon and weekly Sabbath had the same requirements
               under the law and that the Sabbath was related to and in coordinated succession with the lunar
               seven-day cycle. They took for granted the new moon or chodesh was simply an extension of the
               fourth Sabbath period or the "disappearance" of the moon. To even think that two different calen-
               dars or reckonings were used -- one for the new moons and annual feast days, and another for the
               weekly Sabbath -- is preposterous.

                       Finally, it is a fact that our English word "week" "comes from the Teutonic word for
               change -- indicating the change of the phases of the moon" (Larry Freeman's Calendar Origin
               Page, p. 2-3). So even the word we commonly use today in the English language contains a distant
               memory of its original place in God's true calendar.

                         Joke of the Month                     miles per hour!" the old woman said a bit
                      Sitting on the side of the highway waiting to  The State Trooper, trying to contain a
                 catch speeding drivers, a State Trooper saw a  chuckle explained to her that "22" was the
                 car puttering along at 22 MPH. He thought to  route number, not the speed limit.
                 himself, "This driver is just as dangerous as a
                 speeder!" So he turned on his lights and pulled        A bit embarrassed, the woman grinned and
                 the driver over.
                                                               thanked the officer for pointing out her error.
                      Approaching the car, he noticed that there      "But before I let you go, Ma'am, I have to
                 were five old ladies -- two in the front seat  ask: Is everyone in this car OK? These women
                 and three in the back -- wide-eyed and white  seem awfully shaken and they haven't muttered
                 as ghosts. The driver, obviously confused,    a single peep the whole time."
                 said to him, "Officer, I don't understand, I was
                 doing exactly the speed limit. What seems to       "Oh, they'll be all right in a minute. We just
                 be the problem?"
                                                               got off Route 119."
                      "Ma'am," the officer replied, "You weren't
                 speeding, but you should know that driving
                 slower than the speed limit can also be a dan-
                 ger to other drivers."

                     "Slower than the speed limit? No sir, I was
                doing exactly the speed limit -- twenty-two

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