Page 60 - BV1
P. 60

The House of Israel

                                                                                Lehem and King Josiah was
                                                                                a descendant of David, who
                                                                                came from Beth Lehem. "The
                 Parallels Between Scythians                    remnant of his brethren" returning unto the
                            and Israelites                      Children of Israelis is spoken of (v.2-3) and
                                                                refers to the partial (and temporary -- then)
                                                                re-settlement of Israelite Scythians in the for-
                 Talmudic sources and connected commentar-      mer land of northern Israel. The important
                 ies state that King Josiah ben Amon of Judah   verses, for our consideration, are verses 5-8:
                 sent Jeremiah the prophet to bring back the
                 Lost Ten Tribes and that SOME FEW OF
                 THEM DID IN FACT RETURN TEMPO-                 "And this man shall be the peace, when the
                                                                Assyrian shall come into our land: and he [i.e.
                 RARILY and that they after left and returned to  Assyria] shall tread in our palaces, then shall
                 their places of exile. A religious reformer    we raise against him [i.e. against Assyria]
                 known as Zoroaster had appeared in Scythian
                 areas in the time of Jeremiah. The message of  seven shepherds, and eight principal men."
                 Zoroaster was originally Hebraic but after his  "And they shall waste the land of Assyria with
                 death the Iranian Magi paganized it.
                                                                the sword, and the land of Nimrud in the en-
                                                                trances thereof...."
                 Tradition held that Zoroaster had been taught
                 by Jeremiah. During the reign of King Josiah
                 of Judah and in the time of Jeremiah the       "And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the
                                                                midst of many people as a dew from the
                 Scythians had settled for a time in the land of  LORD..."
                 Israel and had made it a centre of theirs. King
                 Josiah of Judah died fighting on the side of the
                 Scythians. After Josiah's death the Scythians  "And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the
                 departed from the Land of Israel.              GENTILES in the midst of many people as a
                                                                lion among the flocks of sheep..."

                 The Scythians bore tribal names similar to Is-  Again, the main point of these passages
                 raelite ones, their ancestor was identified with
                 JOSEPH of Israel, their artwork was of         maybe applicable only to the Messianic era
                 Israelite-Phoenician origin.                   yet it is also descriptive of our explanation of
                                                                the Israelite-Scythian equation. The Assyri-
                                                                ans, at first, came into the land of Israel and
                 The events of the Scythian-Assyrian epoch      trod it down, including the royal palaces, as
                 were also echoed in Biblical prophecy. The
                 prophets largely predicted events which in     archaeological excavations of Samaria have
                 their fullness will occur in the Messianic era.  proven. They then exiled all of the surviving
                                                                inhabitants. From their places of exile, the
                 Nevertheless, they often presented their ac-   Israelite-Scythians made peace with Assyria,
                 count of the future in the description of events  then became "Shepherds" i.e. allies and pro-
                 happening in their own times or not so long
                 afterwards and thus history may be consid-     tectors of Assyria, and after that graduated to
                 ered to repeat itself. There are a few Biblical  be the effective rulers of the Assyrian Empire,
                                                                i.e. "eight principal men." Finally the
                 passages concerning the fall of Nineveh, the   Israelite-Scythians destroyed the Assyrian cit-
                 Assyrian capital, which are also opposite to   ies and wasted "the land of Assyria with the
                 the Scythian-Judean symbiosis in the reign of
                 King Josiah. The fifth chapter of Micah, for   sword," just as Micah describes.
                 instance, speaks of a ruler coming out of Beth

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