Page 17 - BCCA3
P. 17

               COMMENT:  Ba’al  worship  is  what  those  who, “have  forsaken  the  com-
               mandments of the Lord" (1 Kings 18:18) are doing, even today. The defini-
               tion  has  not  changed!  Ba’al  worship  is  multi-racial  and  does  not  recognize
               YEHOVAH as, “the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”, as Elijah did on Mt.

               9. What did YEHOVAH God say to Moses? Exodus 3:6; Acts 7:32.

               COMMENT: Likewise the prophets of Jezebel worshipped Ba’al. The propor-
               tion of true prophets to false prophets was something like 1:800!! It is probably
               a similar ratio today. Because the Law of YEHOVAH God in regard to this par-
               ticular sin is not taught in the churches, they are destroying YEHOVAH’s peo-
               ple through lack of knowledge.

               10. Doesn’t Hosea 4:6 make this clear?

               COMMENT: This passage about being destroyed for lack of knowledge is of-
               ten used  out of context. The next verse says, “They shall commit  whore-
               dom”. It must happen! It happens through lack of knowledge! This is because
               of the teachers and their lack of teaching about the Law of YEHOVAH God.
               YEHOVAH says He will not only forget them, but He will also forget their chil-
               dren. Now we are getting some idea of how serious this is:

               11. Was this deadly  serious in the case of Esau  who could not find repent-
               ance? Hebrews 12:16-17.

               COMMENT: This is given to us as an  example! Esau  was  both a fornicator
               and a profane person. It  was this combination that made him unable to find

               12. Notice, now, I Corinthians 10:9.

               COMMENT: The  word translated as “serpents” is derived from the  word
               (Strong's #3700 “optanomai”) that has the meaning, “to allow one’s self to be
               seen, to appear”. It shows that  what  is in the inner self is manifesting
               outwardly. The Israelites that did this were also both fornicators as this ap-
               plies to sexual acts, and profane in that they worshipped the gods of the Mo-
               abites. It was open to all to see.

               We have seen what is shown in Exodus 32 as to how names are blotted out of
               “My Book” and how there is no forgiveness for this one particular combination
               of fornication and idol worship.

               13. Is this summarized in the New Testament? Hebrews 3:7-12.

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