Page 12 - BCCA3
P. 12

               When Moses came down from the Mount, he found the people worshipping
               the golden calves Aaron had made.

               1. What did YEHOVAH God threaten to do because of Israel’s sins? Exodus

               COMMENT: Here YEHOVAH God tells Moses that He would blot the names
               of those who did this out of “His Book”. We must note that this was not
               expressly for sexual intercourse with foreigners; rather it was for worshipping
               the “gods of gold” as being foreigners’ gods.

               This word "Book” is used in many general ways in the Bible, such as mathe-
               matical activity, scribal traditions, legal documents, and official letters. It is al-
               so found as being records, such as, “The book of the wars of the LORD”, “The
               book of Jasher”, “The book of the generations of Adam” and “The Book of the
               Covenant”. It is also used of genealogical records. But there is one special
               “Book”. In the KJV of the Old Testament, there is only one passage with ref-
               erence  to “My  Book” and  three  to “Thy  Book”, besides  that  which  we  have
               seen in Psalm 139.

               2. Read verses 32 and 33 of Exodus 32.

               COMMENT:  These verses are  in the form of a conversation between
               YEHOVAH  God  and  Moses.  The  context  of  Exodus  32  is  about  those  who
               were sinning against YEHOVAH God in a particular way. The “Book” refers
               to one particular “Book” among other books. From  Psalm 139  that  we
               have studied so far, we see this “Book” contains information about each
               person before they are born. Today we have discovered that this is found to
               be each person’s individual DNA. The offspring of Israel inherit their genetic
               code  from  their  parents.  As  an  Israelite  can  be  blotted  out  of  YEHOVAH’s
               Book, we need to be sure whether or not it is just for miscegenation, or that
               plus idolatry, or just for idolatry.

               At first glance it might appear that any sin would cause Israelites to be blotted
               out in  the sentence, “Whosoever hath  sinned against me, him  will I blot  out
               of MY BOOK”. Here we need to look at the context to see if any one particular
               sin is being referred to, because it is clear that there are other sins that can be
               forgiven. We will see the blotting out is for the idolatry that follows from
               race mixing.

               3. What was the sin of the Israelites camped at the base of Mount Sinai? Ex-

               odus 32:8.

               COMMENT: In Exodus 32 where this passage comes from, the particular sin

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