Page 14 - BCCA3
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               Esau had taken wives from foreign (nokriy) peoples. Esau no longer could re-
               pent! That paints a very strong picture indeed!

               The prime mover that led to idolatry was the association of Israelite men
               with certain foreign women. The sin was idolatry! For any Israelite man mar-
               ried to such a foreign  woman, it would be hard not to compromise  with a
               woman who could not “hear” the Word of YEHOVAH God, and given time, the
               Israelite man would compromise.

               “Him Will I Blot Out of My Book”

               As there are different word forms for the word “book” we can go back to the
               Greek Septuagint to see if the form used in Exodus 32 is the same as that
               used in the “Book of Life” in the New Testament. In this way we can have an
               indication  that we are not  comparing  apples  with oranges.  Clearly,  they  are
               the same so it is likely that “My book” and “The Book of Life” are one and
               the same.

               1. Notice the reference in the New Testament. Revelation 17:8.

               COMMENT:  As found in the Old  Testament,  we find the  same  New  Testa-
               ment reference to the certainty of people being taken out of the Book of Life.
               They are taken out for all time.

               2. Notice also Exodus 32:33 and Revelation 22:19.

               COMMENT:  Without  studying  the  Old  Testament  we  could  easily  miss  the
               reason why some will have their “part” taken from the Book of Life. The wrong
               attitude to “The Scriptures” is one reason why the churches miss the associa-
               tion between race mixing coupled with idolatry, as being the cause of
               names being taken out of the “Book”.

               3. What is the meaning of “His part” that is taken out of the book? Revelation

               COMMENT:  Strong's Concordance  #3313  “mer’os”  as  translated,  shows
               something assigned to a person; that is his destiny.

               4. When was this destiny established? Revelation 13:8.

               COMMENT: It was “from the foundation of the earth”. That was when the
               Book of Life was written!

               Now we can give more shape to the doctrine of predestination and get a

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