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command, all Christians  would benefit by  obedience to meditate on the
               Word of YEHOVAH God day and night. (Acts 17:10-11). Few do and be-
               cause of this they are so easily led astray.

               Because the Bible does not say exactly what happens to the races outside
               of Israel, we have no right to speculate about them. Neither can we say that
               every race is the same as Israel, because differences are continually pre-
               sented through Scripture.

               7. Do even the individual tribes of Israel have differences between them-
               selves right up to and including in the last days? Genesis 49:1-28.

                                                                  COMMENT:  It  can  be  safely  said
                                                                  that these things are almost never
                                                                  taught  anywhere by  orthodox
                                                                  Christianity. Instead of truth, uni-
                                                                  versalism is the common teach-

                                                                  One thing we can say with certain-
                                                                  ty is what the Bible says about the
                                                                  race of Israel. This is what the Bi-
                                                                  ble  is  about.  YEHOVAH  God
               made covenants with Israel; He gave Laws to Israel; He loves Israel.

               8. Did YEHOVAH God commission the Messiah to help Him redeem both
               houses of Israel? Luke 1:16, 33.

               COMMENT: These many from the House of Jacob that Yeshua the Messi-
               ah reigns over in his Father’s "for ever" Kingdom are totally restrictive and
               are impossible to  generalize. However, could the House  of Jacob refer to
               all races of the world? The statements of Scripture that have been shown
               about the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God being reserved for those who qualify
               from among those begotten from above at conception are definite and pre-

               YEHOVAH God Will Be Gracious to Whom He Will Be Gracious

               1. Notice what Paul says. Romans 9:18.

               COMMENT: We are then told about the Potter who makes one vessel unto
               honor and another unto dishonor and about vessels fitted for destruction.

               2. Go, now, to Romans 9:21-22.

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