Page 14 - BCCA2
P. 14

COMMENT:  If  we  were to say those at Berea were noble because they
               checked  what the Apostle said to them against the Old Testament Scrip-
               tures, most would agree. It is safe to say that very few people are objec-
               tive. It is also safe to say that few religious church-goers thoroughly
               check what is taught to them -- and that most of them do not do this

               From history we must agree that people are capable of believing anything,
               and it is more common for people to believe just what they want to believe.
               Sometimes they  believe and act out  of fear or   emotionalism; there are
               many motives for belief. There is culture, indoctrination, peer pressure, and
               such things, but as far as the Bible is concerned, possibly the worst thing
               is tradition, because of its pre-conditioning.

               3. Did the Scribes and Pharisees make the Word of YEHOVAH God of no
               effect because of their tradition? Matthew 15:3; 6; 7-9.

                COMMENT:  We  have  traditional  teachings  today  and,  as  well,  we  have
               such things as charismatic leaders; they go about trying to persuade peo-
               ple, just as Jim Jones or Hitler did.

               So, we can see just why we are told to judge all things. By what standard
               do we make these judgments? We are to examine the Word to see if these
               things be so and to believe them accordingly. We are to dig deep, to seek
               and to search. This indicates the necessity of doing research, of comparing
               Scripture  with  Scripture,  and  checking  translations  if  necessary.  Every
               growing Christian will be taught about YEHOVAH God during these activi-
               ties. He will be refining his beliefs continually, and sometimes he will freely
               admit that at times he has been wrong -- mainly because of what he has
               been led to believe.

               4. How did Solomon approach this question? Ecclesiastes 1:13.

               COMMENT: This shows the attitude that is needed.

               The  problem  with  many  teachers is  that  they  become  too proud  to  ever
               back-track.  Back-tracking  is  very  rare  indeed  and  through  pride  they  are
               brought to  a place  where they can never be taught themselves. So, they
               keep on  plugging the same old line  and say, We cannot see it any other
               way. The Truth of YEHOVAH God has always been, but none of us know it
               all. Today, some teachers could be likened  to  surgeons  who  were still
               bloodletting in the same way it was done in earlier years and who would not

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