Page 22 - BCCA2
P. 22

10. The Non-Israelites will be blessed during the Millennium by A. becom-

               ing “servants and  handmaids” B. attending Temple  services  C. not being
               joined to Israel D. becoming Levitical priests.

               11.  YEHOVAH’s  Ecclesia  should  carry  the  Gospel  to  A.  the  Jews  of  the

               world only  B.  the backward tribes of  Africa  C.  YEHOVAH’s people Israel
               only D. the Islamic nations of the world.

               12. The Bible indicates that the resurrection applies to A. the Edomites and
               Canaanites B. those of Israel only C. the leaders of Babylon D. all who pro-
               fess the Messiah.

               13. Unworthy Israelites will A. eventually be resurrected B. have their spirit
               taken from them C. not be thrown into the Lake of Fire D. not suffer eternal


               14. It is true that most people are motivated by A. tradition B. YEHOVAH’s
               spirit C. a burning desire to study YEHOVAH’s Word D. their love of truth.

               15.  Most  pastors and  ministers in  the  churches  of  this  world  are  A.  too
               proud to back-tract when they realize they are in error B. not too proud to

               renounce error C. preaching YEHOVAH’s truth D. not steeped in Babyloni-
               an/Roman paganism.

               16. The term “world” in John 3:16 and other passages in the Bible refers to
               A. the entire planet B. the Greco-Roman world C. the “world” of Israel D.
               the land of Egypt.

               17. In the Bible the Roman Catholic Church is A. revealed as YEHOVAH
               God’s true church B. called “the mother of harlots” C. commissioned by the
               Messiah to preach the Gospel D. commanded to preach the Gospel to the

               non-Israelites of the world.

               18. Through all our trials what must we of Israel wait for? A. Being in heav-
               en  with  YEHOVAH  God  B.  Being raptured  to another place to avoid Ja-

               cob’s Trouble  C.  The rest of the world to repent  D.  The appearing of
               YEHOVAH God and the Messiah.

               19. Moses was commanded by YEHOVAH God to teach the statutes and
               judgments to Israel A. so that they might do them in the Promised Land B.
               in order that they might teach them to the surrounding nations C. so that

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