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               leadership ability of the twelve tribes. C. they were already obedient. D. of
               His love for and promises to their forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

               12. Instead of setting an example for the surrounding nations, ancient Israel
               A. assumed an overbearing leadership role in the region. B. followed the
               ways  and  customs  of  the  pagan  nations  around  them.  C.  asked  that
               YEHOVAH  God  would  be  their  king.  D.  forsook  their  promised  land  and
               voluntarily moved to Assyrian territory.

               13. What did YEHOVAH God do to His people after pleading with them for
               centuries to obey Him? A. He sent them into captivity as punishment. B. He
               forced them to obey Him. C. He rejected them and chose another nation as
               His own. D. He continued to plead with them for several more centuries.

               14. Israel didn’t keep its part of the covenant with YEHOVAH God because
               A. blessings for obedience never came when they followed righteous lead-
               ers. B. the blessings were insufficient for the effort required. C. in lacking
               YEHOVAH’s holy spirit, they couldn’t resist Satan and submit their carnal
               natures  to  YEHOVAH  God.  D.  of  their  spiritual  comprehension  of
               YEHOVAH’s Law.

               15. The record written in human experience by Israel and Judah proves A.
               nothing for us today. B. that disobedience was unique to them. C. that giv-
               en enough time they finally would have obeyed God. D. that without the ho-
               ly spirit the Adamic man is incapable of understanding YEHOVAH’s spiritu-
               ally revealed truth and obeying the Ten Commandments from the heart.

               16. Why did the Messiah speak to the Israelites in Judea in parables? A.
               To  make  plain  the  truth  of  YEHOVAH  God.  B.  To  maintain  the spiritual
               blindness  of the majority because their time to  understand had  not  yet
               come. C. So they would understand and repent. D. To gather a large fol-
               lowing of true believers.

               17. When did YEHOVAH God start to open spiritual understanding to the
               northern 10 tribes of Israel (House of Israel – also known as “Gentiles”) af-
               ter founding His New Testament Ecclesia? A. Simultaneously with the Jew-
               ish converts. B. One year later. C. About ten years later. D. Just after the
               Romans destroyed Jerusalem.

               18. Which one of the following is not true? A. “Gentiles” (House of Israel)
               can become heirs to the spiritual promises made to Abraham by becoming
               spiritual "children" of Abraham through the Messiah. B.  Israelites by  birth
               must become the Messiah’s to receive the spiritual promises. C. To date,

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