Page 23 - BCCA1
P. 23

               Then all physical Israel will finally become Abraham’s spiritual children and
               heirs to the promise of eternal life in the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. Final-
               ly, as YEHOVAH inspired Paul to write, "all Israel shall be saved." Israel as
               a whole will have fulfilled her God-ordained purpose! She will have become
               the "holy nation" YEHOVAH God originally intended (Exodus 19:6).


                 Send for the Following FREE Articles to Supplement This Lesson:

                 Could the Modern “Jews” Be Israel?

                 The United States and the British Empire FORETOLD in the Bible!

                 Proclaiming the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God!

                                      Check Your Progress…

               This multiple choice test is designed to help you review the preceding les-
               son. It’s an enjoyable way of putting to use some of the vital knowledge and
               understanding you have gained through this lesson.

               Select  one  of  the  four  choices  given  under  each  question or  incomplete
               statement. The other three are incorrect -- unless stated or indicated oth-

               Take sufficient time to understand each question or statement, as well as
               the choices. Try to do as many as you can without referring to the lesson. If
               you have difficulty deciding on the correct answer, then review the part of
               the lesson in question.

               1.  After Adam and Eve  rejected  YEHOVAH  God  as Revealer  of spiritual
               knowledge, YEHOVAH  A. limited spiritual knowledge and salvation to the
               descendants of Abraham. B. called the majority of men and women prior to
               the Messiah’s first  appearance.  C.  offered the  holy  spirit to  all their de-
               scendants. D. shut off Adam and Eve and their descendants from His holy
               spirit and revealed truth.

               2. Prior to Abraham, only three men are specifically mentioned in the Bible
               as having followed YEHOVAH’s way. They were: A. Shem, Ham, and Ja-
               pheth. B. Seth, Lamech, and Jared. C. Abel, Enoch, and Noah. D. Enos,
               Moses, and Isaiah.

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