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               Notice that these re-gathered  Israelites are  not changed to immortality
               when  YEHOVAH God and the  Messiah  return, but rather restored to the
               promised land of ancient times as physical human beings.

               5.  Once back in the land promised to their forefather Abraham,  will
               YEHOVAH  God  reunite  the  Houses  of  Judah  and Israel? Ezekiel  37:16-
               22. Who will be their king? Verses 24-25.

               COMMENT: At the return of YEHOVAH God and the Messiah, David, who
               ruled as king over all the tribes of Israel during his mortal lifetime, will be
               resurrected to immortality. And as YEHOVAH promised long ago, David will
               once again become Israel’s king under the Messiah after YEHOVAH God
               unites the modern-day descendants of ancient Israel.

               6. Will YEHOVAH God cause His reclaimed people to see themselves as
               He sees them and to loathe themselves for their wickedness, granting them
               repentant attitudes for  the first time? Ezekiel 20:42-44; Jeremiah 31:8-
               9; 50:3-5. Will YEHOVAH God then cleanse them from sin? Ezekiel 36:24-
               25; Jeremiah 33:7-8. Will He also give them a large measure of His holy
               spirit so they can obey Him? Ezekiel 36:26-27; 11:19-20.

               COMMENT:  Israel  will  repent  bitterly  of  their  wickedness  that  caused
               YEHOVAH God to temporarily forsake them and allow them to go into na-
               tional  captivity  --  to  wake  them  up!  They  will  then truly  seek  YEHOVAH
               God, repent of their sins, receive YEHOVAH’s holy spirit, and enter into a
               "perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten" (Jeremiah 50:5). This was
               not  possible during the  days of the Old Covenant,  when  the nation as a
               whole was without a large measure of YEHOVAH’s spirit.

               Recall that without a measure of the holy spirit ancient Israel did not have
               the "heart" to obey YEHOVAH God (Deuteronomy 5:29; 29:4). But, once
               YEHOVAH God gives His spirit to His chosen people, they will remain obe-
               dient, not departing from His  way of life (Jeremiah 32:39-40). It is
               YEHOVAH’s holy spirit that will make the difference! Israel will be able to
               understand YEHOVAH’s way and obey Him from the heart!

               7.  Will  YEHOVAH  God  proceed  to  teach  repentant,  spirit-begotten  Israel
               the knowledge and  understanding of His way of life? Isaiah
               54:13; Jeremiah 3:15. Will this ultimately lead to their being born into the
               ruling family of YEHOVAH God? Isaiah 45:17; Romans 11:26-27.

               8. Will YEHOVAH God cause the laws of nature to function for the benefit
               of His obedient people Israel during the Millennium? Isaiah 41:18; Ezekiel

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