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22 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 31

5. Do we become the literal “SONS” of be LIKE Him when BORN of His spirit into His
YEHOVAH God the Father when He BEGETS divine Family! We will be given a SPIRIT body
us by His spirit? I John 3:1 and Romans just like the Messiah’s!
8:14-17. The outstanding difference between the
COMMENT: SPIRIT-begotten Chris- body we now have and the one we will be given
tians literally become the UNborn CHILDREN is that while the one we now have is a “natural”
of YEHOVAH God, the Father, just as an or MORTAL body, the one we shall receive will
UNborn human fetus is the child of its human be a SPIRITUAL body -- COMPOSED OF
parents. SPIRIT!
6. Do we PARTAKE OF THE DIVINE 12. Once made spirit, will we live FOR-
HALVAH when spiritually begotten? II Peter 13. Will YEHOVAH God GLORIFY us
1:3-4. at the resurrection by giving us the same great
7. What are some of the CHARAC- POWER and GLORY of the God Family?
TERISTICS, or “fruits” that are made manifest Romans 8:17 and Colossians 3:4.
in our lives IF we possess YEHOVAH’s spirit? 14. Did Yeshua give us a fleeting
Galatians 5:22-23. glimpse of this FUTURE GLORIFIED CON-
8. Which is the GREATEST attribute or DITION when he was “transfigured”? Matthew
characteristic YEHOVAH God transmits to us 17:1-2. Notice that this was a VISION they saw
by His holy spirit? Is it LOVE -- “charity”? I concerning the future (verse 9).
Corinthians 13:13 and John 4:16. Is this the COMMENT: The spiritual power and
SAME love that will enable us to “fulfill” -- to glory we shall receive at the resurrection will be
OBEY -- YEHOVAH’s spiritual laws? Romans SO GREAT, it will make our spirit bodies shine
13:10 and 5:5. as the sun and make our raiment DAZZLING
9. What SPECIAL “gifts” are bestowed WHITE!
by the holy spirit? I Corinthians 12:1,4-11. YEHOVAH’S INFINITE POWER
COMMENT: Just imagine! These are AND GLORY WILL SOON BE OURS -- IF
some of the ADDITIONAL spiritual abilities WE HAVE HIS HOLY SPIRIT WORKING
YEHOVAH gives to those who surrender their WITHIN US NOW!
lives to Him so they may receive His holy spirit!
YEHOVAH divides these special gifts among YEHOVAH Has Revealed Himself!
certain ones in His Ecclesia as He wills, and for
10. Does the Father promise to raise Himself to you in a real and tangible way. No
spirit begotten Christians to immortality, just as longer does YEHOVAH seem like an ethereal
He resurrected the Messiah? Romans 8:11 and I figment of the imagination -- a mythological
Corinthians 6:14. invention of an ignorant, superstitious past!
11. If we are begotten by YEHOVAH’s Through His INSPIRED Word, YEHO-
spirit and grow spiritually, will we -- at the resur- VAH God told you where He resides, what He
rection -- become as Yeshua the Messiah is looks like, and how long He has existed. He
today? Psalm 17:15; Philippians 3:20-21 and I revealed that He CREATED and RULES the
John 3:2. What TYPE of body was the Messiah entire universe! You learned what part YEHO-
changed into at his resurrection? I Corinthians VAH has taken in world affairs since creation.
15:44-45. YEHOVAH also illustrated some of His
COMMENT: If we become the spirit- awesome, but wonderful powers over His
begotten children of YEHOVAH God, we will material creation. And He has even RE-

How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?
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