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20 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 31

between Mariner IV (which took history-making 15. Does YEHOVAH know the number
photographs of planet Mars) and earth was of STEPS you take? Job 14:16 and 31:4.
limited by the fact that radio waves travel at the 16. Does YEHOVAH know the number
“slow” speed of light -- 186,000 miles per of HAIRS on your head? Matthew 10:30. Does
second. This meant that radio commands He even take note of a bird when it FALLS to the
transmitted to the space probe took approx- ground? Matthew 10:29, Do you think these
imately 12 minutes traveling time to reach it as it things are impossible? What does YEHOVAH
swung past Mars -- 134,000,000 miles from God say? Matthew 19:26, And what did Job say
earth! And telemetric data from Mariner IV took of YEHOVAH God? Job 42:2.
another 12 minutes to reach earth -- a 17. Is Yeshua the Messiah now capable
24-MINUTE ROUND TRIP! of lightning-like travel? Matthew 24:27. Then
But because the spirit of YEHOVAH will the Messiah circle the earth with the SPEED
God Almighty is not limited by time and space, OF LIGHT at his second coming so all the world
YEHOVAH is able to INSTANTLY KNOW can see him? Luke 17:24.
what is taking place here on earth, or anywhere COMMENT: At the Messiah’s coming,
else in the universe! By His spirit, YEHOVAH is he will circle the earth with the speed of light and
able to even READ our very thoughts from the righteous, now made spirit, will rise to meet
heaven above! him in the air (I Thessalonians 4:16-17).
18. After his resurrection, did the
Below is the starry splendor of Andromeda Galaxy, Messiah explicitly forbid Mary to
nearest large system of stars comparable to our galaxy. TOUCH Him because He had not yet
ascended to the Father in heaven? John
20:17. But later that SAME DAY, did
the Messiah allow his disciples to touch
his feet? Matthew 28:9. Then did the
Messiah travel the enormous distance
to the Father’s throne and back to earth
COMMENT: This account
clearly shows that Yeshua, like YEHO-
VAH God, is now capable of traveling
through space INCOMPARABLY
19. Let’s notice a few other
12. And by His spirit, is YEHOVAH miraculous qualities of the God Family. After
able to “see” what anyone is doing from His the Messiah was resurrected and in his spirit
throne in heaven -- untold millions or billions of body, did he SUDDENLY APPEAR to his
miles away? Proverbs 5:21. Does He give disciples? John 20:19. Then is YEHOVAH, like
thought to the actions of men? Same verse. Also the Messiah, capable of passing through solids
notice II Chronicles 16:9 and Jeremiah 32:19. such as doors and walls? Same verse. (Notice
13. Does YEHOVAH God KNOW your that the doors were LOCKED!) What was their
general ATTITUDE? I Kings 8:39. reaction? Luke 24:36-37. Did the Messiah also
14. Does He HEAR the groans of His manifest himself in a PHYSICAL BODY of
people? Psalms 38:9. How? Romans 8:23, flesh and bone that could be FELT? Verse 39.
26-27. Can YEHOVAH also do this? Genesis 18:1-2.

How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?
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