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Lesson 31 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 19

even reveal the FUTURE to His called mini- of man’s limited instruments would be a VERY
sters? Amos 3:7. POOR EDUCATED GUESS!
6. Is there any limit to YEHOVAH’s 8. Can YEHOVAH God FORETELL
understanding? Psalm 147:5. future events? Daniel 2:28. Why? Verses 20-21.
7. And has YEHOVAH God UN- Then can YEHOVAH God foretell the future
LIMITED POWER? Psalm. 62:11 and because He has the POWER TO MAKE what
Matthew 19:26. Does the fact that He created He says come to pass? Matthew 19:26.
our earth prove this? Genesis 1:1. Did He also 9. Does YEHOVAH have a perfect
create all of the heavenly bodies -- the sun, moon memory? Psalm 147:4; Amos 8:7 and Hosea
and stars? Psalm 8:3; 104:2. Can feeble, mortal 7:2. Does He also have perfect control over His
man COUNT their number? Jeremiah 33:22. memory -- can He COMPLETELY FORGET if
But does YEHOVAH KNOW their number -- He so wills? Jeremiah 31:34.
COMMENT: Our earth is but a tiny 1:2. LOVING? I John 4:8. JUST? Deuter-
SPECK OF DUST compared to other gigantic onomy 32:4. MERCIFUL? Psalm 136:4.
heavenly bodies. Take for example our
sun. It is a relatively SMALL star within
our “Milky Way” galaxy. Yet, its total
volume is 1,300,000 TIMES THAT OF
As for the NUMBER of stars in
the universe, YEHOVAH says man is
all of them! Using the huge 200-inch
Hale telescope on Mt. Palomar in
California, and the Hubbell Space
Telescope in orbit, astronomers have
been ABLE to count over 600,000 stars
in the Constellation of Orion alone! But
the following figures vividly illustrate
In a past issue of the Scientific The twin Keck telescopes on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. These
American magazine, was a special gigantic 394” telescopes inside dome-shaped buildings
number devoted entirely to man’s reveal but a FRACTION of YEHOVAH’s infinite power and
knowledge of the universe. One article glory!
stated that present day telescopes have
“shown the Milky Way system to be a lens- 11. Is YEHOVAH God capable of
shaped collection of some ONE HUNDRED INSTANT COMMUNICATIONS -- can He
BILLION stars, with the sun out toward the know what is going on EVERYWHERE at all
rim." times? Jeremiah 23:23. What does YEHOVAH
This same issue pointed out that say He fills? Verse 24. How could YEHOVAH
BILLIONS OF GALAXIES are visible beyond be everywhere at one time? Psalm 139:7-8. Can
our own -- each with about as many stars in it as YEHOVAH God, in heaven, even know what a
the Milky Way! Radio telescopes have person is thinking here on earth? Verse 2.
penetrated even further. But you can plainly see COMMENT: Mortal man is limited by
that the number of galaxies BEYOND the range time and space. For example, radio contact

How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?
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