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                orthodox Jews these were deficiencies in their Juda-  occupation of Jerusalem by the Crusaders -- this
                ism, for Hancock these distinctives are clear evidence  wealthy and militarily powerful Christian ruler was
                of their separation from the homeland  before the  thought to control a vast stretch of "India." Marco Polo
                Babylonian exile -- even before King Josiah's reform  (1254-1324) wrote that Abbysinia (of South Arabian
                (ca. 620 BC). He would seem to have a point there.  derivation) was a large province called middle or sec-
                                                               ond India. In his day all lands bordering the Indian
                The estimate of surviving Falasha Jews at about 28,000  Ocean were "Indies." Two centuries later, the Portu-
                after the famine in 1984 represents as alarming de-  guese Fr. Francisco Alverez titled his report of a six-
                crease in their population. At the end of the first quar-  year venture in Ethiopia (starting April, 1520) "Infor-
                ter of this century their number was double that, with a  mation About the Countries of the Prester John of the
                count of some 150,000 at the turn of the century.  Indies."
                Prior to the 20 year pogrom of Emperor Susneyos,
                which began in 1607, butchering and enslaving them  How Hancock says this European awareness of Ethio-
                (to Sudan and Arabia) by the thousands, the Falasha  pia's emperor(s) fits into his total case is complex. For
                population in the Semein ("Northern") Mountain region  now, let it suffice to say that from the fourth century
                was perhaps half a million.                    AD onward this was the only Christian region in Af-
                                                               rica, south of the Sahara, and that it was of special in-
                                 The Tabot                     terest to certain parties in Europe.

                Shifting to Orthodox (called "Coptic," due to historic     Elephantine Evidence
                ties to the Egyptian church) Christan Ethiopia, Graham
                Hancock calls our attention to the distinctive attach-  Of greater significance is the island of Elephantine, in
                ment of that church to an Old Testament symbol. He  the Nile River at Aswan, near the first of several Nile
                asks, Why should an  ark be the central and essential  cataracts. The ancient Egyptian name for the island was
                object in every church sanctuary of the land? This is  yeb ("elephant") and for the east bank town swn ("mar-
                the second major strong point in his case, I would say.  ket"), in hieroglyphs. Because this also marked the en-
                                                               trance to the Upper Nile region called Nubia (modern
                Requirement of a  tabot in every church certainly Sudan), the prince of the district was "Keeper of the
                points to a powerful attachment to and reverence for  Gate of the South." Important for Hancock, is that a
                the Ark of the Covenant and must have some long-  collection of papyri, written in Aramaic, describes the
                standing reason behind it, be it legendary or truly his-  presence of a sizable Jewish community on the island
                torical. Even if the former, what's behind that? We  in the fifth century BC. It was by the Elephantine Pa-
                don't really know. Maybe one thing, maybe another.  pyri that Biblical scholars were able to settle the exact
                And that's about the way much of Hancock's "evidence"  date for Nehemiah's first visit to Jerusalem, 444 BC,
                runs, throughout his case. He seizes upon a maybe,  as they contain personal names corresponding to those
                adds a few perhaps, or a why not? First thing we know,  in his book.
                he's assumed that much to be proven fact, and moves
                on.                                            Of particular note with respect to the Ark of the Cove-
                                                               nant is evidence that the exiled Jews there had a tem-
                But let us consider two more pluses in Hancock's sup-  ple. The Persian occupiers of Egypt were using these
                port system, of at least secondary validity. These are,  Jews as military mercenaries. Out of resentment, the
                in order, some historical evidence for a great medieval  local Egyptians destroyed this temple of Yahu ("Jeho-
                monarchy in East Africa, the "Prester John" records,  vah") about 410 BC, but it was rebuilt. A reconstruc-
                and the archaeological information available about Ele-  tion of the size of the temple based on references in
                phantine Island in the Nile near Aswan. The former is  the papyri reveals that it measured the same as Solo-
                the less clear, but both must be reckoned with.  mon's Temple! Papyrus #12, dated December, 402 BC,
                                                               declares that Yahu now dwells in His sanctuary in "yeb,
                            Prester John Records               the fortress." Hancock seizes upon this assertion to
                                                               mean the Ark, "sign and seal" of God's presence, was
                                                               there in that temple at that time. When the Egyptians
                Hancock calls the sketchy information we have about a
                king (or series of rulers) "Prester (elder) John" a "mo-  again had strength to do so, they drove the Jews off the
                mentous clue." First mentioned in a European source  island.  And where else might they migrate, with the
                in AD 1145 -- halfway through the 80-some year  precious Ark, but up one of the two tributaries flowing

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