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                           Archaeology and the Bible

                                                               There is no real technical basis for not believing the
                 Documents, Tablets, and the                   Bible as it was written. Nowhere does the Biblical text
                                                               mention anything that implies evolution, nor is there
                      Historicity of Genesis                   any Biblical incident that's been absolutely proven
                                                               wrong. The only reason to doubt the clear text of the
                                                               Bible is an attempt to compromise with secularism,
                Many Pastors, writers, and even seminary professors  and its rejection of God. But most evolutionary scien-
                rely on the "JEDP Document Hypothesis" to explain  tists object just as much to theistic evolution as they
                how the book of Genesis was originally written. This  do to miraculous creation. And most theologians don't
                concept says that for many centuries the stories were  really understand the philosophical principles of evo-
                passed down orally, usually with embellishments or  lution -- they don't realize that you cannot attribute a
                deletions, and were not committed to writing until  secular theory to God. This compromise does not
                much later than the events they describe. Naturally,  really work, and it is a dangerous path to follow.
                this idea does not inspire confidence in the literal ac-
                curacy of the account. It is favored by theologians of a  The Documentary Hypothesis
                liberal bent.
                                                               Evolutionary theories influenced Hegel's student,
                In contrast, the "Tablet Theory" suggests that portions  theologian K.H Graf (1815-1868), and his student
                of Genesis were originally written on clay tablets by  Julius Wellhausen (1844-1918). From an idea first
                men who personally experienced the events described.  proposed by Jean Astruc (1684-1766) they developed
                The tablets were later compiled by Moses. Since the  the "JEDP Documentary Hypothesis" of higher criti-
                original writers were said to be eye-witnesses, their  cism, which said that the early sections of the Old Tes-
                accounts should be historically accurate.
                                                               tament could not have been written during the times
                                                               they described. They believed this because they mis-
                This article briefly describes the development and im-  takenly thought writing had not evolved until about
                plications of these two theories.              1000 BC. Therefore they assumed wrongly (again) that
                                                               sagas, epics, poetry, etc. which later were used to
                         Why Religious Liberalism?             compose the Bible were passed down orally for mil-
                                                               lennia. The result was that the early books of the Bible
                Why did so many theologians become critical of  were written by various unknown scribes during the
                Biblical truth? Do they have any scientific basis for  Divided Kingdom era beginning about 800 BC, and
                their doubts? Not really. Doubting criticism started on  continued until after the Babylonian Exile.
                a large scale with G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831), a Ger-
                man philosopher who taught that religion, like the rest  These books are said to have been compiled or re-
                of civilization, developed gradually. He said that primi-  dacted from stories, or documents, which were distin-
                tive "cave-men" began a polytheistic worship of the  guished by the name used for God. The J-Document
                things around them. Later, he said, higher concepts  used the name Jehovah, the E-Document used Elohim,
                such as a supreme God evolved in people's minds.  while the D and P documents were named for Deu-
                                                               teronomy and Priestly. This teaching led many people
                A quasi-scientific basis for retreat from Biblical  to lose confidence in the Bible's authenticity.
                authority took root when, in 1830, Charles Lyell pub-
                lished Principles of Geology, which first described the  Archaeological Discoveries
                so-called "Geologic Column." Here the age of a rock
                stratum was supposedly given by the types of fossils  Did Hegel, Graf, Wellhausen, etc. have any good basis
                which it contains. This idea set the stage for Charles  for their JEDP theory? No, there has never been any
                Darwin's publication, in 1859, of his famous Origin of  trace of the "documents" they refer to (Jehovist, Elo-
                Species. His organic evolution theory captured the  hist, Deuteronomic, and Priestly), and even in their
                imagination of most scientists.                day there had been some trace of the "documents" they

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