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                The scripture that says we should not prepare food  I'm a senior, coming on to 90. I enjoy good health for
                should be taught more and maybe we should rethink  my age, all glory to our great Creator. My only source
                our buying on the Sabbath. These days are so similar to  of income is the Canadian Old Age Pension plus a Sup-
                the days of Nehemiah and Ezra, I fear we are farther  plement, it's enough to get by on if I live a simple life.
                away from God than we know. Nehemiah put a stop to
                the people buying food on the Sabbath, yet many go  The past twenty years of my life I have devoted to
                and buy food and tip waitresses for working for them  scriptural research, especially on Genesis 1:5, the
                on the Sabbath. I am reading God's word and it clashes  Passover and Yahweh's yearly "feast days." I feel maybe
                with what I am being told. Help me if you can. I can't  the articles I requested may increase my knowledge. If
                stop thinking this is very simple in the Bible -- the 1st  you have any other articles, please send a price list.
                month has to be in the spring equinox (its proper sea-  Thank you.
                son) and the barley has to be ripe to count the omer,
                then all the other 11 or 12 months will fall in place and                                      Sincerely -- in His Great Name,
                the Feast of Tabernacles will be in its "season" accord-                                                                               F.W.
                ing to scripture also. I always thought the Jews respon-
                sibility was the keeping [preserving] of the OT (the  Comment: Our articles are free of charge to those
                Talmud is full of errors), the Greeks the NT. Our re-  who can't afford them. A small donation to cover print-
                sponsibility is to make sure what we hear and do can be  ing and/or copying is appreciated from those who can
                backed up by scripture. The scripture cannot be broken.  afford it.
                Thanks for listening to me.
                                                                                                               Dear "Brother" Keyser,
                Comment: My quote of Matthew 23:1-3 came from   I'm writing first of all to thank you for mailing me your
                Shem Tob's Hebrew Matthew, which was found pre-  very first "The Berean Voice." I found it amazing and
                served in the Jewish polemical treatise entitled  Even  "accurate"! Please allow me to continue receiving it.
                Bohan. This treatise was the work of one Shem Tob  "Thanks."
                ben Isaac ben Shaprut -- a Spanish writer who com-
                posed his work in 1380. The work was first published  I'm 56 years young in Mashiach Yawshua ben David.
                by George Howard of the University of Georgia in  Amen. I'm Jewish thru my mother D'vorah Isiayah -- in
                1987 under the title, The Gospel of Matthew Accord-  pure Hebrew -- "Yishiyah" -- Yahweh will Lend! I was
                ing to a Primitive Text. Howard clearly shows that this  somewhat disappointed to see you use the pagan "J"
                text predates the 14th century and that Shem Tob re-  name for our Hebrew Savior. I pray you begin to teach
                ceived his text from earlier Jewish scribes. This text  under the "sacred" Name -- Yahshua. Amen.
                solves the problem of Matthew 23:1-3, showing we
                should obey Moses -- not the scribes and Pharisees.  Our Ind. State Prison group -- "Beth Tzadik" -- is a
                                                                member of the World "Israelite Messianic Alliance"!
                I appreciate your comments regarding the correct way  Our sponsor is Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky in Miami
                of keeping God's Sabbath day. However, we must first  Beach, Florida. I have been ordained by the "Alliance"
                show the correct day for keeping God's Sabbath --  as Overseer for "Beth Tzadik." Amen.
                then we can show how to observe it. First things first!
                                                                I teach at "Beth Tzadik" that the Torah and the "Feasts"
                Dear Brethren:                                  of Yahweh are not optional -- Mt. 5:17-19.

                A friend of mine suggested I write and request a copy  I admire "Herbert W. Armstrong" and for the last 4
                of the articles listed below --                 years I have taught from "Mystery of the Ages." Amen.

                The New Moon and the Weekly Sabbath --                                                           In His Holy Name, D.I.
                The Omer Count and God's Weekly Cycle           Comment: Thank you for your letter. I think a lot of
                Was Jesus Christ Really in the Grave for Three Days  us go a little overboard regarding the correct name for
                and Three Nights?                               our Savior, Jesus Christ. I don't believe God (Yehovah)
                                                                requires us to revert to the Hebrew every time we use
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