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P. 31

                       (10)  But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah,
                       yet out of you shall come forth to Me [YEHOVAH, YHVH] the One [Christ] to be ruler
                       in Israel, whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. Therefore He shall
                       give them up, until the time that she who is in labor has given birth, then the remnant of
                       His brethren shall return to the children of Israel. And He [Christ] shall stand and shep-
                       herd His flock in the strength of YEHOVAH HIS GOD; and they shall abide, for now He
                       shall be great to the ends of the earth. And this One [Christ] will be our peace (Micah

                       This King (Christ) comes from the line of David which was broken or interrupted with the
               last kings of Judah. Notice, as in Isaiah and Jeremiah, the appearance of this Davidic King coin-
               cides with the restoration of all the tribes of Israel to the Holy Land -- and subsequent worldwide

                       What is strikingly consistent about these ten passages from the Prophets is the fact that they
               clearly refer to Christ as the coming Davidic King. The overall portrait they present is astonish-
               ingly unified and complete. Taken together we have a composite core -- a singular view of the
               coming Messiah and what He is to accomplish: He is a mighty SERVANT OF YEHOVAH --
               filled with the holy spirit and possessing great gifts and qualities. He combines within Himself the
               triple-anointed functions of Prophet, Priest and King. He is instrumental in regathering the lost
               tribes of all Israel, REBUILDING THE TEMPLE OF GOD in Jerusalem and putting down all
               wickedness and opposition to YEHOVAH HIS GOD before His Father (in His Shekinah glory) re-
               turns to the Temple. He (Christ) will usher in an era of everlasting peace, righteousness and justice

                       These are clearly the tasks that must be accomplished by Christ the Messiah. This is the
               ALL-BUT-FORGOTTEN Messianic task and mission which fired the imagination of the early
               Christians, the followers of John the Baptist and many in the Quran Dead Sea community. These
               messianists longed for the imminent arrival of the Davidic King (Christ) to prepare the way for the
               return of the Shekinah glory of God and the Kingdom of God -- which will be a direct fulfillment
               of  this unified vision of the Hebrew Prophets.

                       YEHOVAH the Father Himself will return to Zion in His Shekinah glory -- acting person-
               ally and directly to punish the wicked and rule as King over all nations. This is the day pictured in
               Revelation 19 -- that we should be waiting for with increasing expectations and excitement. Let's
               retrieve YEHOVAH GOD from the dust bin and give Him His rightful place in the scheme of
               things, as well as the greater praise and adoration that is His due -- not forgetting to stay awake for
               the earlier return of His Son and Servant Jesus the Christ.

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