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96                                                                  A Message to the British

                              A Mes sage To the Brit ish

                 I  n 1997, the United King dom of Great Brit ain and North ern Ire land had ar rived at a new wa ter -
                    shed in the long his tory of its na tion state -- a mo ment more de ci sive than any other it has faced
                    in preceeding cen tu ries. Powers other than those of the par lia ment at West min ster now rule
                 and dic tate in this Queen’s Realm -- while other forces, com mit ted to cast ing aside the ba sic in -
                 teg rity of so ci ety, are un der min ing the very foun da tions of the na tion.

                        As in ev ery other case in his tory of a col laps ing civ i li za tion, we are see ing “ev ery man
                 do ing that which is right in his own eyes” hav ing no moral re straint; but what is also ap par ent is
                 that this law less ness is a di rect cause of an ever-in creas ing and vi o lent dis lo ca tion of so ci ety.
                 Church and State no lon ger truly de fend the Realm, al though this is the prime re spon si bil ity of
                 gov ern ment.

                        It is quite ev i dent that many pol i ti cians and clergy, pos sessed by a fear of those who are
                 “po lit i cally cor rect,” have given in to what amounts to moral war fare against the su preme stan -
                 dards of na tion hood and civ i li za tion in her ited from our fore bears. They will have much to an -
                 swer for in the years to come.

                        The “Di vine Right of Kings” elim i nated in the 17th cen tury with the es tab lish ment of a
                 dem o cratic par lia men tary sys tem of civil gov ern ment, has re turned in the form of a pre rog a tive
                 power ex er cised by an elite, who, by stealth, have brought about a state of con sti tu tional il le gal -
                 ity. Great stat utes of the realm, still in force, count for noth ing in the face of pre rog a tive power
                 ex er cised by over mighty sub jects.

                        The bind ing of fu ture par lia ments and the sub ju ga tion of our Com mon Law by Ro man
                 Civil Law has bro ken the cov e nant be tween those who gov ern and hold the rod of jus tice un der
                 the Crown and the gov erned, the sub jects of the Queen’s Realm. Par lia ment at West min ster is
                 now but a mere shell of its for mer self. In any other cen tury, what has hap pened would have
                 been called trea son.

                        The con cept  of gov ern ment  by “The Queen-in-Par lia ment”  un der  YEHOVAH God,
                 con sist ing of Mon arch, Lords and Com mons, has worked best when all three have been in bal -
                 ance. For a con sid er able while now this has ceased to be the case, for not only have the Mon arch
                 and the Lords lost power, but the Com mons also has seen the Cab i net and the Prime Min is ter’s
                 de part ment be come more and more pres i den tial, if not, dic ta to rial. Be yond this and since 1972,
                 all have lost very con sid er able power to Eu rope, a pro cess which, con tin ues daily like the move -
                 ment of shift ing sands in a tidal flow.

                        When Charles the First was be headed, the un der stand ing was that he had bro ken faith
                 with the peo ple. In our day, the Queen has been caused to break faith with her sub jects -- or
                 placed in a po si tion known at law as hav ing been “De ceived in Her Grant.” It is there fore, a le git -
                 i mate ac tion, which was en shrined by orig i nal stat ute law and re peated with great dis tinct ness by
                 Henry III, to re strain and hin der by all means those re spon si ble for the un law ful and un con sti tu -
                 tional use of pre rog a tive power (Magna Carta 1297, 61st Ar ti cle).

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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