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A Message to the British                                                                  95

                       is giv ing  you to pos sess  as an in her i tance,  THAT YOU WILL BLOT OUT THE RE-
                       MEMBRANCE OF AMALEK FROM UNDER HEAVEN. -- Verses 17-19.

                       Ear lier, in Ex o dus 17:14, af ter the Is ra el ites fought the Amalekites at Rephidim, Mo ses re -
                corded: “Then the Lord said to Mo ses, ‘Write this for a MEMORIAL in the book and re count it in
                the hear ing  of Joshua, that I WILL UTTERLY BLOT OUT THE REMEMBRANCE OF
                AMALEK FROM UNDER HEAVEN.’”

                       How very ac cu rate this proph ecy turned out to be! By the time of Manetho the truth about
                the or i gins of the Hyksos was BLOTTED OUT; and no one knew any lon ger that the Amalekites of
                the Bi ble  were the Hyksos of Egypt. Even Josephus did not un der stand  the truth. In his work
                Against Apion  he did not even try to cast any doubt on the iden ti fi ca tion  of the Jews with the
                Hyksos; in stead he agreed with it and even de fended it -- his rea son for do ing so be ing his wish to
                es tab lish the an tiq uity of the Jew ish peo ple with the help of Manetho’s sto ries.

                       The Jews en dured much suf fer ing from this gross dis tor tion of his tory. They have -- and still
                are -- bear ing their pain for be ing MISIDENTIFIED with the hated Hyksos. It is ironic that the per -
                se cu tion started with the mis state ments of Manetho the Egyp tian, whose bleed ing na tion was freed
                from the rule of the Hyksos with the aid of the ar mies  of King Saul of Is rael,  who fought
                side-by-side with Pha raoh Aahmes of the 18th Dy nasty!

                                The Conclusion Modern Historians Refuse to Admit

                       We have come the full cir cle. The Amalekites left Ara bia af ter be ing dev as tated by the same
                plagues that struck Egypt. Af ter their de feat at the hands of the es cap ing Is ra el ites, they streamed
                across the Si nai to Egypt where they met lit tle or no op po si tion due to the de struc tion of the Egyp -
                tian army in the Gulf of Aqaba. Once en trenched in their new do main they be came known as the
                Hyksos or Amu of the Egyp tian in scrip tions.

                       They ruled the con quered land in such a bar ba rous fash ion that they were COMPLETELY
                IGNORED in the Egyp tian king-lists at Abydos. This huge gap in the tes ti mony of the Egyp tian
                mon u ments is ex plained by the fact that the suc ceed ing na tive Egyp tian dy nasty dil i gently set about
                oblit er at ing ev ery re mem brance of the hated Amalekite for eign ers who had rav aged the coun try for
                so long.

                       For al most 500 years the land was plunged into a sud den dark ness that seemed all the more
                im pen e tra ble be cause of the glo ri ous heights the 12th Dy nasty of Egypt had achieved through the
                bril liance and la bor of the Is ra el ites.

                       Mod ern his to ri ans, how ever, be cause of chro nol o gies that are 500 years out of sync with
                that of an cient Is rael, fail to con nect the Hyksos with the Amalekites of the Bi ble. In nu mer a ble the -
                o ries come and go as his to ri ans grope about in their own “dark ness” -- a sit u a tion that need never
                have oc curred if only the Bi ble was ac cepted as a his tor i cal book, and the tra di tions of the na tions of
                the Mid dle East were ac cepted as hav ing a ba sis in truth.

                The Berean Voice
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