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Futurism: A Jesuit Deception                                                              51

                                 Futurism: A Jesuit


                                  The doc trines of the Fu tur ist School of pro phetic in ter pre ta -
                                  tion have been one of the great hin drances to a cor rect un der -
                                  stand ing of proph ecy. Many have been blinded by these to the
                                  pur pose and man ner of YEHOVAH God’s deal ings with His
                                  peo ple Is rael as sep a rate and dis tinct from Ju dah.

                                                     W. F. Finlayson

                 O    ne of Sa tan’s  great est  achieve ments  in    An 18th cen tury     Je suit,  Emanuel

                                                                                     for ward
                                                                                             Ribera’s in ter -
                      these last hours of the last days has been Lacunza, had car ried
                      his   de cep tion  of  the  Evan gel i cal pre ta tion add ing a few fur ther de cep tions of his
                 Churches through the Fu tur ist in ter pre ta tion of own, pub lish ing it un der the ti tle: The Com ing
                 Bi ble Proph ecy.                             of Mes siah in Glory and Maj esty. To de ceive
                                                               Prot es tants  its au thor  was falsely named Ben
                        The orig i na tor  of this false teach ing Ezra -- sup pos edly a con verted Jew.
                 was Je suit Fran cisco de Ribera, who pub lished
                 it in 1585 in or der to op pose the Historicist in -  In this work La cuna laid the foun da tion
                 ter pre ta tion which iden ti fied the Pa pacy as the for the false Fu tur ist  teach ing  that Je sus
                 Antichrist and the Church of Rome as “Bab y - (Yeshua) is com ing again -- twice! Once in se -
                 lon.”                                         cret to rap ture the Church and take it to Heaven
                                                               -- the fi nally -- three-and-a-half years later to
                        The Re formers  were in spired  by the judge the world.
                 fact that the proph e cies  re gard ing  the great
                 Antichrist in  Dan iel  7:2, 2  Thessalonians  2     A copy of the book was stra te gi cally
                 and Rev e la tion 13 are to tally ful filled in the Pa - pre sented  to the li brary  of the Arch bishop  of
                 pacy.                                         Can ter bury.  The Li brar ian,  Dr. R. Maitland,
                                                               stud ied it and was de ceived by it and pub lished
                        To op pose the be lief of the Prot es tants a se ries  of tracts prop a gat ing  its er rors.  Then
                 (which in cluded the Churches of God) that the the fa mous Scot tish  preacher, Ed ward  Irving,
                 popes were Antichrist, Ribera for mu lated  the was like wise  de ceived  and trans lated  it into
                 teach ing that Antichrist would ap pear in the fu - Eng lish and be gan preach ing its er rors.
                 ture at the close of the Chris tian Dis pen sa tion --
                 re build the Tem ple -- abol ish Chris tian ity -- be  One of the found ers  of the Brethren
                 ac cepted by the Jews -- pre tend to be God and Move ment, J. N. Darby, was also de ceived by
                 con quer the world in three-and-a-half-years.  it and preached its er rors in Brit ain and Amer -
                                                               ica with great suc cess. Fu tur ism also suited the
                            Ribera’s false in ter pre ta tion was un suc - pur pose  of the Tractarian or Ox ford  Move -
                 cess ful with Prot es tants un til the 19th cen tury.  ment, which was brought into be ing  to bring

                The Berean Voice
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