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Is JUDAISM the Religion of Moses?                                                         49

                                                     Later Judaism

                       The Rabbis, one- to four-hun dred years af ter Christ, did not dare dis cuss the or i gin of the
                tra di tional  laws nor how the Phar i sees  came to teach with out  us ing  the Scrip ture.  These later
                Rabbis knew quite well where the tra di tional laws had come from, but they did not want the lay peo -
                ple to know that these laws, which had been falsely taught to the lay peo ple as com ing from Mo ses,
                were not orig i nally from Mo ses at all.  It would have been di sas trous to Ju da ism to teach that the tra -
                di tional laws were re ally not from Mo ses and that the com mand ments of the Phar i sees were noth ing
                more than the com mand ments  of men, be cause  THE WHOLE FOUNDATION OF JUDAISM
                rested on these fal la cious laws.

                       Thus, among the 34 vol umes of the Eng lish trans la tion of the Tal mud wherein are re corded
                these tra di tional laws, there is no men tion what ever of how these tra di tional laws came to be ac -

                       "The his tory of the de vel op ment of the Mish nah-form REFLECTS UNFAVORABLY upon
                       the TRADITIONAL CHARACTER of the Phar i saic teach ings.  THIS IS THE REASON
                       (Lauterbach, Rab binic Es says, p. 248).

                       From this, we should have no dif fi culty  in un der stand ing  why thou sands  of Jews were
                brought to the truth of Chris tian ity in the First Cen tury.  They were told the truth about the laws of
                the Phar i sees by the true min is ters of Christ.  Once the Jews came to a knowl edge of the truth in this
                mat ter, many of them aban doned the com mand ments of men for the truth of God.  This is one of the
                main rea sons the Phar i sees, and the later Jews, had such an ab hor rence for Chris tian ity.  The ac cep -
                tance of Chris tian ity meant the re jec tion of the teach ings of the Phar i sees in Ju da ism, and a re turn to
                God and His com mand ments.

                       In the next in stall ment we will see how the Phar i sees thought to ANNUL some of the laws
                of God, when it suited their pur pose.

                                                   TO BE CONTINUED

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