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               Strategic Alert --

                                                               sources are focused on combating the Israeli
               STRATFOR.COM                                    occupation of Lebanon.
               Global Intelligence Update                      The best thing for Mubarak would be for Israel to stay
               23 February 2000
                                                               in Lebanon for as long as possible. This will keep
                                                               Hezbollah occupied and away from Egypt. Mubarak's
                Mubarak Supports Fundamentalists               statement is a calculated attempt to give Israel's right-
                             -- In Lebanon                     wing factions added ammunition to oppose plans for a
                                                               military pullout.

               Summary                                         A second effect of Mubarak's visit is that it supports
                                                               the moderate regime of Iranian President Mohammad
               In a surprise visit, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak  Khatami. Since 1979, Iran has seen itself as the guard-
               visited Lebanon Feb. 19 and issued a statement support-  ian of the fundamentalist Islamic revolution and has
               ing Hezbollah in its conflict with occupying Israeli  supported fundamentalist movements in many countries
               troops. In doing so, Mubarak puts a damper on the  - including Egypt, Lebanon and Turkey. Although
               Israel-Syria peace process and supports the new gov-  Mubarak would prefer a secular regime in Tehran, the
               ernment of Iran. Both actions help him contain Egypt's  moderate position of Khatami is preferable to those of
               own fundamentalists.                            his conservative rivals. By supporting Hezbollah,
                                                               Mubarak can show Tehran's conservatives that the Is-
               Analysis                                        lamic revolution is alive and well. This takes pressure
                                                               off Khatami. Greater power for Khatami, who slowly
                                                               has been improving ties with Egypt, will likely result in
               President Hosni Mubarak became the first Egyptian
               head of state to visit Lebanon in a surprise visit Feb. 19.  decreased Iranian support for Egypt's fundamentalists.
               He stood with Lebanese president Emile Lahoud in up-
               holding the "right" of the Lebanese Hezbollah to con-  Mubarak's statement reflects his own concern with in-
               tinue attacks on Israeli troops stationed in south  ternal stability, but it does little to help the peace proc-
               Lebanon. Mubarak's motivation, however, lies less with  ess between Syria and Israel. This is absolutely fine
               any sympathies for his fellow Muslims than with his  with Syria, which benefits from the current stalemate. [
               desire to keep his own country stable.
                                                               210.htm] It maintains a relatively stable border with Is-
               Islamic fundamentalism has been a major security con-  rael and a de facto peace, but at the same time gets Is-
               cern for Egypt for the past 50 years. A major funda-  rael to handle the Hezbollah militants and provides
               mentalist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, was founded  justification for Syria's continued presence in northern
               as an Egyptian political movement in 1928, but turned  Lebanon. Egypt benefits from the status quo as well,
               violent after World War II. Mubarak's predecessor, An-  because a large portion of Israel's military is tied down
               war Sadat, was assassinated by an Islamic extremist in  in Lebanon.
               1981, and Mubarak has escaped several attempts on his
               own life. Fundamentalists are still active in Egypt, de-  Supporting the Hezbollah with mere words costs
               spite waves of arrests by the government. In 1997,  Mubarak little. It may not amount to very much, but
               more than 60 tourists were killed near Luxor, with  there is a small chance his statements could pay off.
               blame falling on Muslim extremists supported by Su-  Egypt's internal stability, Iran's factional maneuvering
               dan, and ultimately Iran.                       and Syria's attempts to delay an Israeli pullout all stand
                                                               to benefit from Mubarak's cameo appearance. If it
               In combating fundamentalists, Mubarak is attempting to  doesn't work, Mubarak has lost nothing.
               keep them isolated by cutting off foreign sources of                                                  (c) 2000, WNI Inc.
               men and materiel. However, his tactic is threatened by  ___________________________________
               the Israeli-Syrian peace process, which if resolved  SUBSCRIBE to FREE, DAILY GLOBAL INTELLI-
               could cause Islamists to withdraw from southern Leba-  GENCE UPDATES
               non and turn their resources elsewhere, perhaps to  by clicking on
               Egypt. Currently, fundamentalist attention and re-
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