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                as follows:                                    churches and increase their member's commitment to
                1) Only a possible and unproven date problem and  their churches. I'm sitting here right now looking at
                nothing more;                                  one slickly written and presented catalogue of Y2K
                2) Only potentially harmful to databases (even then a  training and materials which has with it a smartly cre-
                temporary setback);                            ated CD rom. And as I look, I notice that the names in-
                3) Not the cause of system crashes or any of the other  volved are the same old Multi-Level Marketers,
                weird and wonderful delusions Dankenbring's "experts"  infomercial, motivational (puffed-up pride) speakers
                claimed;                                       and the rest of the modern-day robber-barons and gyp-
                4) Did not, and could not, have anything to do with  sies. Disgusting!
                utilities such as power and sewage since there is noth-
                ing involved in their operation which is date-sensitive;   When I was Scouting, "be prepared" didn't just refer to
                5) Never was applicable to functions such as traffic  having a knife set and wide-rimmed hat. It meant
                lights. We had a hearty laugh here hearing all of the  KNOW what you're doing by always learning and dis-
                Yankee-Doodle chicken-little "experts" spouting off  cerning fact from myth. It also meant to apply the prin-
                about traffic lights switching green for red or shutting  ciples of some of the tried and true cliches like "Never
                down suddenly. NONSENSE, and they had to know that  take candy from a stranger" and "Believe half of what
                unless they are stupid and never graduated from Grade  you see and none of what you hear."
                5 science. Seriously, what could possibly go wrong at
                the 5-minute light change-over, if the computer  Historically, careless "leaders" like Dankenbring have
                thought it was 5 minutes later but the year was 1900?  created an environment which forces two evils to oc-
                ----so what!                                   cur with people.

                I don't blame Dankenbring and others like him for let-  1. Many, many get turned off of the path they're on and
                ting the fear seize their brain power. But I am fed up  sometimes utterly reject religion. It's natural for peo-
                with people like him believing (or at least telling oth-  ple not to want to be thought of as a reactionist imbe-
                ers) that they have some special connection to God  cile with blind faith. If their faith wasn't developed yet
                and that they alone will decide who to listen to and  or they were just new to the Way, then their demise
                who not to. And then they wield this power over others  will be on Dankenbring (and the like).
                and cost them a lot of wasted time and money. Dank-
                enbring should have presented both sides of the case;  2. Those who become determined to not be proven
                he should have properly researched the problem if he  wrong. They will rationalize the circumstances, make
                was going to open his "authorative" mouth at all; he  up excuses for the leader, or anything else they have to
                should have advised people of all the things that could-  do to feel they are supreme and special to God. They
                n't "crash" if the Y2K problem wasn't addressed  will put on thick, black blinders and angrily defend
                                                               their fragile egos and their fragile gods (leaders, doc-
                                                               trines, modes of dress, etc.). Just look at the so-named
                Now, more than ever, we need to look only for the  Philadelphia Church of God today or the entire sicken-
                truth in a matter and stop being respectors of men and  ing history of the Seventh-Day Adventists to see what
                picking and choosing our facts to suit that judgment.  to expect.

                Mr. Keyser, in all things, seems to consider a broad  Everybody does realize that the falling-out between
                spectrum of sources. He gets all of the information he  Keyser and Dankenbring didn't have anything to do
                can get. Then he dismisses those proven wrong and  with doctrine (at the time). Keyser wanted a balanced
                distills the unadulterated facts from the rest. As long  view presented of issues being watched (like Y2K) and
                as he does that and others refuse to, I will stand by  he wanted to, wherever possible, use sources directly
                him. When he sets himself up as an idol, like Danken-  and let people come to their own conclusions -- he
                bring did (subtly and slowly --- a total reversal in his  was willing to have his preferences side-by-side with
                stance) I will not.                            Dankenbring's. Dankenbring wanted it his way only and
                                                               for people to see only what would support his opinion
                If  there were a warning to go out, it was that Salesmen  (which he felt was more than just an informed
                had taken over the Y2K crusade. They had two motives  opinion).
                (one or both): To make money and/or to fill their

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