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                tremulous, end-time world age, are deceived 'because  first to Adam, then father Abraham, then Moses and
                they REFUSED to love the truth and so be saved' (II  lastly to the Holy Apostles of the Christ.
                Thess. 2:10, last part).
                                                               Let's not belabour all of the mean-spirited things he
                "Many things have been done in ignorance, in the past.  has said or caused others to say and do -- not the one's
                But when the knowledge of the truth comes into our  he will surely still have to say and do. [John Keyser
                lives, what are we going to do about it?       tells me that this little man has deigned to brand him a
                                                               "Satan."] Indeed, Bill is in the pre-dawn still but his
                "Will we continue to follow Jewish traditions, even  shadow can be seen in the distant valley approacing
                when they are not justified?                   slowly and cautiously from the Wilderness. It's my sad
                                                               duty to report that those who choose to follow him
                "Will we go the opposite extreme, and throw out the  (rather than stand WITH their brother as he searches
                baby with the bath water?                      for Christ) are still too far back to be seen at all.
                                                               While Bill has now seen the faint outline of the rocky
                                                               lower region of the Holy Mount and undoubtedly
                "Or will we get a balance in these things -- and out
                God's Law before human tradition?              doesn't think it goes much higher, his followers cannot
                                                               even truly SEE HIM for what he is.
                "Solomon wrote very wisely, about such matters: 'Be
                not righteous over much; neither make thyself over  Even still, let's give a lot of lattitude and pray only that
                wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself? Be not over-  he doesn't turn the way of most at this point and veer
                much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest  completely off the narrow path to Zion. And, with
                thou die before thy time?' (Eccl. 7:16-17).    equal fervency, let's pray that the part of the fold which
                                                               he hides from us and the Lord begin to make a stand.
                                                               This would be good for them and Bill.
                "Let's put first things first -- the Law of God before
                                                                                                                             -- David Hinkley
                "Now that we have learned these things, let's do them --  Dear Sir:
                with all our heart! As Paul said to the Athenians on
                Mars' Hill in about 53 A.D.,
                                                               I appreciate your research regarding the American In-
                                                               dians. It is fascinating.
                "'And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but
                NOW commandeth all men everywhere to REPENT:
                because he hath appointed a day, in which he will judge  A couple of years ago, I wrote to you about the Chero-
                the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath  kee Indians. I had heard somewhere that they might be
                ordained...' (Acts 17:30-31).                  Jewish. You said you would look into that. I have been
                                                               attending a Messianic congregation and the Rabbi said
                                                               last night that there were grave stones found in Tennes-
                "What about you? Are you willing to repent and change
                -- even if it takes a little effort, and study, and persis-  see dating back 2,000 years that have Hebrew writing
                tence, and willingness to STAND UP, and not follow  on them. I was flabbergasted. So, since Tennessee (and
                all the other fish downstream? Are you willing to fight  North Carolina) are the states where the Cherokee are
                your way upstream, against the current of the majority?  from, couldn't they be Jewish?
                                                               I look forward to hearing what you might have found.
                "Are you really willing to REPENT of error?"
                                                                                                                                  In Yeshua,
                My sincere prayer is that we view this as a first step by                                                                     Elouise Root.
                Mr. Dankenbring in recovering his former "pioneering
                spirit" in the faith. That we see this as a new beginning
                in his walk with God and hope that his attitude is fur-  Dankenbring and others refused to look at all the facts.
                ther humbled to the point of causing him to inleash his  If they presented a balanced view and still said better
                blinded followers -- causing them also to plunge forth  safe than sorry, well, okay, but they nay-sayed anyone
                in the complete restoration of the faith once delivered  who actually knew  what the so-called "Y2K bug" was,

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