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Where in Jerusalem Were the Disciples...                                                   79

              was Israel, more definitely Jerusalem and still more definitely THE TEMPLE! Other portions of
              Ezekiel’s prophecy clearly have a spiritual fulfillment in this dispensation of the holy spirit.

                     In this regard we should also call attention to the prophecy of Joel. Inasmuch as the apostle
              Peter quoted from the second chapter of Joel, showing its fulfillment in the arrival of the holy spirit,
              and in those miraculous events whereby its presence was made known, it is significant that, in chap-
              ter 3 of Joel’s prophecy, there is the promise that “all of the rivers of Judah will flow with waters,
              and a fountain shall come forth of the House of the LORD” (Joel 3:18). Those with YEHOVAH’s
              spirit will be able to see in this verse and its context much that is applicable to this present dispensa-
              tion -- though it could well be that the complete fulfillment of this passage, and also that quoted by
              Peter from chapter 2, must await the return of YEHOVAH God and His Messiah from heaven.

                              “Go Speak in the Temple All the Words of This Life”

                     We have the very significant record of Acts 5:17-25, which tells us that when the apostles
              were released from prison, where the Jewish religious leaders had cast them, by YEHOVAH’s an-
              gel, the angel told them to “Go, stand and speak in the Temple, to the people all the words of this
              life” (verse 20). This makes it clear that it was YEHOVAH’s purpose that the gospel-stream -- “the
              words of this life” -- should begin their flow in the Temple. In this we can see the continuity of
              YEHOVAH’s dealings and the orderly working out of His great plan. Everything pertaining to the
              old dispensation centered in the Temple. Therefore, it was more than fitting that the new dispensa-
              tion should start at the very same place, and thereby move out into the world which it was to over-

                     The phrase “words of this life” is very significant. It is an aid to the right understanding of
              the passage because it clarifies the meaning of the expression “living waters” in the prophecies.

                     And, finally, the scripture tells us that, notwithstanding the strong opposition of the Jewish
              authorities, the disciples continued to teach and preach the Good News of the Kingdom of
              YEHOVAH God in the Temple and in every house -- see Acts 5:40-42).

                          Living Waters Flowing from the House of YEHOVAH God

                     For some time after Pentecost the church continued at Jerusalem, and seems to have been
              tolerated, in accordance with Gamaliel’s advice (Acts 5:33-40), until the time of the stoning of Ste-
              phen. After this event the gospel stream spread throughout Judea and Samaria (Acts 8:1) -- the
              church at Jerusalem, the spiritual house of YEHOVAH God, being thus far its source. A little while
              later we find another “church of YEHOVAH God at Antioch; for the Bible mentions that Barnabas
              sought Saul (Paul) at Tarsus and brought him to Antioch, and that for “a whole year they assembled
              themselves with the church, and taught much people” (Acts 11:25-26). Here again, in “the church”
              in Antioch, we find the holy spirit in full charge. After a year of teaching inside the House, we find
              the living waters flowing out and producing the results that YEHOVAH God intended. For we read
              in Acts 13:1-2, concerning “the church that was at Antioch,” that “as they ministered to the Lord
              and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate Me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have
              called them.” And so, from the House of YEHOVAH God, and in the power of the holy spirit of

              The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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