Page 78 - bv19
P. 78

78                                                 Where in Jerusalem Were the Disciples...

                     Not only that, but there is a remarkable significance in the words, “Before she travailed she
              brought forth” -- because the earthly Zion’s real “travail” did not come upon her until 40 years later
              when the Roman legions destroyed Jerusalem. YEHOVAH God, in His mercy and in answer to
              Yeshua’s prayer on the tree for his murderers, granted a reprieve for that space of time. Those dis-
              tresses, which Yeshua himself foretold -- that “great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning
              of the world” (Matthew 24:21) -- were termed by him “the beginning of sorrows,” literally birth
              pangs (Matthew 24:8). Therefore, this prophecy of the Messiah strikingly confirmed and also helps
              interpret that of the prophet Isaiah.

                     It is important to understand that in the days surrounding Pentecost -- and for a considerable
              period afterwards -- the disciples were in “favor with all the people” (Acts 2:48) and were therefore
              permitted to enjoy, in common with all the Jewish sects and parties, the privilege of being able to as-
              semble for all the usual purposes -- and as a distinct group or sect in the Temple. And it should also
              be noted that no pious Jew would be anywhere else but in the Temple on that day -- see Acts 20:16.

                     We must conclude, therefore, that the MATERIAL House of YEHOVAH God served as the
              womb for the SPIRITUAL House of YEHOVAH God, and from it the Church was to come forth --
              and soon did come forth. For a short while the two were identified, as the true spiritual “Israel of
              YEHOVAH God” was, for awhile, identified with “Israel after the flesh” -- the spiritual seed of
              Abraham with his natural seed. And this is, of course, in keeping with the revealed ways of
              YEHOVAH God.

                     This article is an illustration of how those of us who desire and attempt to be most careful in
              our study of the Bible can be in danger of taking things too much for granted. Most of us have pro-
              ceeded on the assumption that the “one place” of Acts 2 was the “upper room” of Acts 1. What we
              have covered so far shows this assumption to be completely wrong!

                                          The Source of the Living Waters

                     It is quite evident that our study has a direct relation to certain Biblical prophecies -- such as
              Ezekiel 47 -- where the prophet describes his vision of the healing and life-giving waters issuing
              forth from out of the Temple. It was explained to the prophet that the waters which he saw were to go
              down into the desert (which suggests barren Israel), and to go into the sea (which symbolizes the na-
              tions), whose waters should be healed. The description continues –

                     And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live. There
                     will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there; for they will be healed,
                     and everything will live wherever the river goes (Ezekiel 47:9).

                     It is easy to see in this passage the familiar scriptural figures of the Gospel -- and its life-giv-
              ing and healing ministry. So we note with interest that the Temple -- the House of YEHOVAH God
              -- was to be the source of the stream of living waters.

                     Therefore, we cannot fail to see in this prophetic vision a SPIRITUAL foretelling of the is-
              suing forth of the Gospel for all mankind from YEHOVAH’s appointed center -- which broadly

                                                                      The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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