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86                                                        Is Judaism the Religion of Moses?

                     With this attitude concerning the Scripture the Pharisees could always maintain that God's
              will had changed in the matter -- that He had revealed His present will to the Pharisees.

                     This is the very same philosophy that is pervading our modern Christianity! How many
              times do we meet with statements from the learned theologians of the various Christians' sects say-
              ing the same thing today? Almost everyone feels that the Bible IS OUT OF DATE -- IS OLD
              FASHIONED. Millions assume it is impossible to keep God's laws and commandments in this
              "modern" age. Let us clearly understand that the Bible IS NOT OUT OF DATE. It can be obeyed,
              and in fact, it had better be obeyed! Let us not be like the Pharisees who rejected the Scripture.
              They received the stern rebuke of Christ. Let us, on the other hand, OBEY -- live by -- every word
              of God (Matt. 4:4).

                     From this time forward, we see the development of the Pharisaical Judaism of New Testa-
              ment times. All the many arduous and burdensome laws concerning the Sabbath -- the laws of
              washing the hands, pots, pans, etc. -- laws regarding fasting -- and myriads of others had their devel-
              opment in the minds of the Pharisees between the year 165 B.C. and the coming of Christ.

                     Once we understand the basis upon which popular Judaism in the days of Christ was
              founded, we will understand why Christ so severely condemned the practices of the Pharisees and
              of the other sects!

                                           (To be continued next issue.)

                  How Is This Work of YEHOVAH Supported?

                      YEHOVAH does have a work on the face of this earth. That work is far beyond the mind and ability of men
               to understand. YEHOVAH is working in many different areas, in many directions, with many different people to
               accomplish that which He intends to do before He returns to this earth in His Shekinah Glory at the End of this age.
               Hope of Israel Ministries is a “work” which YEHOVAH raised to proclaim His truth to a dying, corrupt, rebellious
               end-time generation! An important part of our witness is to the present and former members of the Worldwide
               Church of God, who are presently being victimized by numerous “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Part of this work is
               also to bear witness to the truth of YEHOVAH to modern Israel (the nations of the U.S., Britain, North-western Eu-
               rope, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and, of course, to modern Judah who is erroneously named “Israel”),
               and to warn all these nations where their evil deeds are leading.

               If you would like to have a part in this “Work,” then we would be more than happy to welcome you on board as a fel-
               low co-worker and contributor to Hope of Israel ministries. You can have a part in this ministry, by your prayers,
               tithes and/or offerings, and by sharing the things you learn from us with your friends and relatives. Thank you for
               your help and concern.

               Yes, I would like to help support Hope of Israel Ministries. Enclosed is_______________

                                                              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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