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The Fraud of Islam                                                                         71

              which considers war to be holy, has no concept of peace at all, which is considered pointless and
              hollow. Nor does it recognize the concept of co-existence or toleration.

                     Islam is a religion which teaches that the way to heaven and salvation is secured through
              murder. It also promotes slavery as a sacred practice and considers the bondage and humiliation of
              all women, including their own mothers, as a divine order. It is a faith which seeks the destruction of
              all other religions (especially those based on the Bible, which is regarded as a fake and a Satanic
              book) and the subjugation of all nations as its sanctified goal. Such a creed may well seem strange to
              the Western mind.

                     This, however, is precisely what Islam is.

                     Today, in the modern Western societies, police powers are never used for religious ends,
              and the government does not favor one religious group over another. This concept is entirely for-
              eign to Islam. Islam makes no distinction between religion and state. It enforces the Islamic code as
              the sole law of the land, both religious and secular thereby, in fact, putting anyone who is not a Mos-
              lem outside the protection of the law. In practical terms, Islam mandates a theocracy, which
              amounts to the dictatorial rule of the Moslem nobility and clergy. That is why democracies are un-
              known in the Islamic world and why Moslems show such hostility to free societies. To a fundamen-
              talist Moslem, the very idea of democracy is heresy.


                     The Moslems claim that Judaism (and, by extension, Christianity) share with Islam a com-
              mon origin in the patriarch Abraham. They believe it was Abraham who "established the settlement
              which today is the city of Mekkah [or Mecca] and built the Ka'a'ba, towards which all Moslems turn
              when they pray." However, the Biblical records indicate that Abraham never visited the Arabian
              Peninsula. Muhammad maintained that the Christians and the Jews -- as agents of Satan, of course
              -- "forged" or "falsified" the Bible. He therefore altered the Biblical story and cast Ishmael (Abra-
              ham first son and traditional father of all Arabs) as the heir of God's promise, instead of Isaac -- as
              the Bible explicitly stated many centuries before the writing of the Koran.

                                             ISLAM AND JESUS CHRIST

                     As for Jesus Christ, Islam portrays him as a minor prophet, certainly not as the Son of God,
              nor as the Messiah and definitely not as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
              Moslems still offer animal sacrifices and at recent ceremonies in Mecca slaughtered a staggering
              500,000 animals.

                     Christianity centers on the ideas of the incarnation and of salvation by faith, both of which
              are rank heresy and blasphemy to a Moslem. In Islam, salvation is by works, not by faith. Further,
              Islamic "good deeds" are not necessarily charitable, humanitarian acts of kindness, but may also be
              the assassination of "non-believers". Especially targeted are "the People of the Bible", the Islamic
              euphemism for all Christians and Jews.

              The Berean Voice September-October 2002
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