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The Fraud of Islam                                                                         69


                             CONSPIRACY THRIVES

                                                 Dr. Daud Hammid

                     "We should have no illusions about the matter: no part of the world will be excluded. Now
              that Islam has national, military, and economic power, it will attempt to extend its religion every-
              where, including the British Commonwealth and the United States..." -- so wrote French Protestant
              theologian Jacques Ellul in his 1985 book, The Dhimmi, a methodical study of the treatment of
              non-Moslems by Islam, both throughout history as well as in our own times.

                     Since then, Ellul's foresight has been fulfilled in a striking and dramatic manner that quite
              possibly even he did not envision. Saturated in billions of oil dollars, the world’s fundamentalist
              Moslem movement is headed and financed primarily by Saudi Arabia -- with the support of other
              Arab countries. The Saudi government, with its allies and offshoot organizations, so-called "chari-
              ties" and businesses, has been bankrolling the worldwide terrorist coalition of terrorist organiza-
              tions, religiously bound to expand Fundamentalist Islam everywhere. Special targets are the United
              States, Europe and almost every other developed country. All this is done blatantly, under the ten-
              der cover of democratic law and idealism.

                     By now we all know about Osama Bin Laden, where he came from and from where his sup-
              port and financing were mostly obtained. What we tend to forget is that Bin Laden is not alone, that
              many other "Bin Ladens" are still out there, awaiting their "moment of glory". Not all of them are
              directly involved in bombings and murder. Most of them support the Islamic cause by lavish media
              presentations, interviews and "presentations" of Arab "dignitaries" and so-called religious figures.
              The pro-Islamic misinformation, to which we are now exposed, contains a great number of bla-
              tantly deceiving statements. They come along with a fascinating collection of barefaced falsifica-
              tions and outright lies about the real meaning and purposes of Islam.

                                             WHAT IS THE REAL ISLAM?

                     "Islam is not a new religion," -- says the Moslem misinformation purveyors -- "but the same
              truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people". They omit to mention, however,
              the fact that Moslems believe their religion came to TOTALLY REPLACE the Bible, as well as
              both Judaism and Christianity, with everything associated with them or born of them.

                     And that is simply and precisely what Islam teaches!

                     According to the Koran (the Moslem holy book), not all men are born equal. Moslems con-
              sider themselves the master race of "the prophet" and look down at others as inferior. Indeed, their

              The Berean Voice September-October 2002
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