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Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                    37

               Thanks for the newsletter, I like the title, it is most fitting ilar fashion and what is your relationship like today?
               and you might like to use the following quote even if the Are you able to work full-time like he does, to produce
               author will not act according to his own deadly accurate your huge newsletter, or are you retired/independently
               rhetoric. It may however cause other people to THINK!  wealthy enough not to have to work to earn your own
                                                               living? Did your leaving have a major impact on Bill’s
               “To believe that we could be wrong about something -- al- following and support or is he still as dismissive of
               most anything -- is unfortunately a very ego-shattering ex- anyone who crosses him? I haven’t read any of his ma-
               perience for some (if not most) human beings. The terial for years. While I respect him as a researcher and
               exposure of -- myths and biases -- can be so psychologi- writer, I am not very impressed with his conduct and
               cally disruptive that it is tantamount to complete ego de- attitude as a professed believer and therefore brother in
               struction. When the security blanket is gone, so is the Messiah.
               particular niche of comfort into which we can conve-
               niently creep when some CHALLENGING NEW I am 64 this month and still work a full-time job to sup-
               THOUGHT comes along to disturb our mental processes. port myself but the demands of my research/writing
               We do have our first line of DEFENSES AGAINST and resulting correspondence is becoming over-
               TRUTH, and they are far more effective than any radar set whelming. I believe in co-operation rather than com-
               or military advance -- early warning -- missile system. petition. It is evident to me that a number of different
               They unfailingly tell us that we are NOT WRONG, but people are being used by the Creator to delve into vari-
               RIGHT AFTER ALL!                                ous topics because it is simply too much for one person
                                                               and I totally reject the hierarchical approach taken by
               Most people STUBBORNLY RESIST ANY NEW Bill and most of the offshoots of the WCG.
               TRUTH with a whole series of first-line defenses and sev-
               eral back-up systems to boot! But when TRUTH finally Can’t be much more candid than that, will you recipro-
               exhausts all their defenses, they are forced to resort to that cate and work with me to challenge peoples “comfort
               one-and-only tired old excuse:’Just who do you think you zone” in the organizations perpetuating the false doc-
               are? Where did you get your authority from?’ If all else trines of HWA?
               fails, people tend to fall back on this put-down.”
                                                               Kindest regards,
               Who do you think wrote that insightful piece? None other M.M. (Canada)
               than Garner Ted Armstrong in the Aug/75 “Good News.”
                                                               COMMENT: Yes, I received the same treatment
               I have only read about half of your newsletter and I can al- from Dankenbring -- he just can’t bear to have some-
               ready see that to understand some things of “where you are one disagree with him. I haven’t heard from him in
               coming from” and consider new paradigms, as I hope you several years now, and probably never will. I haven’t
               also will, we need to EXCHANGE back issues. I was of seen any sign of repentance for his totally unchristian
               course expecting you to send me the back issue where you way of treating people. I hold a full-time job in the
               printed my article, but if you will send me all your back is- lighting industry and endeavor to produce the maga-
               sues by the cheapest method I will reciprocate with all of zine, work on the websites and hopefully spend some
               mine so we can compare notes.                   time with my family in the process! I rely on the sup-
                                                               port of readers and YEHOVAH’s inspiration to keep
               Incidently, you can tell me it is none of my business if you publishing the magazine and provide articles etc. for
               wish, but I am curious. You must remember the vile dia- those who are interested. I really don’t know what sort
               tribes thrown at me on tapes and in print by Bill of impact I had on Dankenbring’s following, but I
               Dankenbring, all because I dared to give one of his key know a number of those who receive the PF are also on
               contributors a tape by Jim Rector! Did he teat you in a sim- the mailing list for The Berean Voice.

              The Berean Voice September-October 2002
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