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34                                                                    Hope of Israel Mail Bag

               Moons, Pentecost, and the Day of Atonement “interrupt.” Dear Mr. Keyser,
               Pentecost just runs through the day after the 7th sabbath,
               and the New Moon days are right in a row following the I’m enjoying reading the latest publication of Berean
               fourth sabbath, like a mini-vacation each month.  Voice. But, I need a little prayer, as suddenly I have an
                                                               eye problem that is in the left eye. Essentially what has
               (2) The Genesis account states, “the evening and the morn- happened is that a blood vessel broke in the superior
               ing were” on each of the days of creation. But on oblique muscle and therefore causes me to see double
               the Seventh Day, the “evening and morning” phrase is en- vertically. This is very frustrating, but I will get over it,
               tirely missing. This leaves open the idea that some “sev- it takes about 3 months to heal. So, I’m experiencing
               enth days,” particularly at the new moon, may be longer quite a bit of problem with seeing, walking, driving
               than a “solar day.”                             and reading. Thank you for prayers.

               Blessings, in the King’s service,               Also I’m wondering if you even take prayer requests
               J. (Missouri)                                   which I’m sure you do. It has been a difficult winter
                                                               here and glad it is getting over with, as both our older
                                     ***                       son and daughter need work. We have been helping as
                                                               much as we can, but it would sure be nice if they had
               My Dear Friends and Family in HaShem,           more work. Thank you so much.

               Dear Brother Keyser I pray you and all your staff are Thanks again for good publications. May Yahweh
               growing in the revelation knowledge of YeHoVaH, Amen. continue to bless you and this work.
               Would you please print the address and website above so
               more concerned followers of YeHoVaH can find us. We Sincerely,
               are Jewish Nazarenes and thanks to you Brother Keyser R.C. (Washington)
               we are also “Lunar Sabbatarians,” Amen!
                                                               COMMENT: Yes, we take prayer requests.
               Like most of the 1st century Jewish Nazarenes we do not Readers, please pray for the on-going health of this
               believe Rabbi “Yahushua ben Yosef” [Jesus] truly became lady and that her children find suitable employment.
               HaShem’s Son until his mikvah for Nazarene priesthood
               by John the Immerser. We also do not believe, “like you             ***
               also,” that Rabbi Yahushua pre-existed. However, we do
               believe that ”Metatron” or “Michael the Prince” did Dear Sir,
               pre-exist as the Spirit Agent of YeHoVaH, and this Spirit
               indwelt the Messiah at Baptism. It also left him on the Since a long time I don’t agree with the Worldwide
               death Stake! (Mt. 27:46).                       Church of God, neither with the Jewish Calendar.

               I write the articles for our website from my prison cell and For this year, this is the dates that I have found myself:
               Cynthia my wife keeps the site up to date and answers 13 April = 1st. Abib -- 14th March was too early. The
               e-mails. We both love and cherish The Berean Voice mag- Jews are under the cup of Babylon like the Worldwide
               azine!                                          Church of God of Armstrong.

               “Shalom”                                        For me, the moon commands the seasons. Excuse me
               D.I. (Indiana)                                  for my bad English, I am a Swiss who speaks French.

                                     ***                       Yours truly. (Switzerland)

                                                               The Berean Voice September-October 2002
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