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                Letters from Our Readers …
                Letters from Our Readers …

                The Hope of Israel Mail Bag

                   Dear Mr. Keyser,                               C.A. (New Hampshire)

                   Enclosed please find a check in the amount                       ***
                   of.....for an offering for the Feast of Unleavened
                   Bread.                                         Sir;

                   I am feeling better than last year from the    Just a line to let you know, that I enjoy reading
                   Fibromyalgia, back and abdominal pain, but     the articles that you put out for us, who do not
                   have not felt up to correspondence or deep study   have the time or the resources, to find all the
                   due to the extreme fatigue. My son just had a 2   articles that you have, print and put them in a
                   hour seizure and was in the hospital 10 days. In   magazine, so that I read them, and to tell others
                   his emergency transport his right leg was injured,   what I have learned from them.
                   but he is beginning to walk again.
                                                                  A few years back I wrote an article on Gen.
                   Thank you so much for sending us your Berean   chapter 18, where the three men, came to see
                   Voice  magazine with many thought provoking    Abraham, I always thought that these three were
                   articles. Also, thank you for sending the book   Jesus, Michael, and Gabriel, but in your article,
                   about Islam which I ordered. It is answering a lot   (Yeshua Did Not Preexist) I do not fully
                   of the contradictions I have heard.            understand, will you try to explain this to me
                                                                  more fully.
                   P.A. (Ohio)                                    And when I can afford it I will order more of
                                                                  your articles.
                   P.S. Have a wonderful Passover season!
                                                                  Thank you,
                   COMMENT: I would encourage our readers to      L.R. (Florida)
                   pray for the health of this lady and her son.
                                                                  COMMENT:    Since Yeshua did not pre-exist,
                                     ***                          then obviously the being mentioned in Genesis
                                                                  18 was not the Messiah. The being with the two
                   Could you please add me to your mailing list to   angels was none other than YEHOVAH God
                   receive a one-year free subscription to The    Himself. YEHOVAH has resided on this planet
                   Berean Voice. It can be forwarded to...........  many times as the Bible indicates. He resided in
                                                                  the first and second temples in His Shekinah
                   I have felt compelled for the past few months to   Glory form, and appeared in the form of a human
                   search the Scriptures with regard to the current   being to contend with Jacob.
                   Christian Sabbath as well as the origin of our
                   holidays. I am beginning to see that we may be                   ***
                   off the map as far as celebrating the Sabbath and
                   the holidays on the current days as well as in   To Hope of Israel Ministries:
                   compliance with the Roman Catholic Church,
                   from which of course it all was derived, or    Please send me The Berean Voice and a copy of
                   should I say contrived. Any information or     the Sacred Calendar 2002 and would like to take
                   booklets you could provide me to assist me in   up on your kind offer as to one year's free
                   my determination of the truth would be greatly   subscription.
                                                                  Vol. 1, No. 1 I have come across so I say:
                   Thanks for everything! God bless.
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