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about God, of which Jesus and Paul knew noth-  not in Jesus of Nazareth...Its roots are in Philo-
         ing, is widely announced as a failure worthy of  nic, Hellenistic Judaism and in the Christianized
         eternal torture in hell!                       Neo-Platonism of the second to the fifth century"
                                                        (pp. 38, 39).
         This magazine hope to encourage a growing con-
         cern that Christianity's central dogma about God The systematic flaw to which we referred at the
         is not in fact the product of good Bible study but  beginning of this article can be readily detected
         rather a curious novelty developed from the early  and abandoned. It is a matter of a devastatingly
         second century under the baneful influence of  important distinction. The New Testament from
         Greek philosophical thinking centered in Alexan-  cover to cover insists on belief in Jesus as the
         dria, Egypt. In that learned city the Jews had al-  Lord Messiah, who is not the Lord God. That
         ready compromised their Hebrew-based faith by  distinction is plainly stated in a solemn divine ut-
         mixing it with Hellenism. The post-biblical church  terance about the dignity of the Messiah. Psalm
         fell for the same trap and combined Greek cos-  110:1 sets the stage for the whole New Testa-
         mological thinking with the theology of the Bible, ment picture of who Jesus is. And that Psalm
         producing a hybrid notion of God. Later this was  was designed as a safeguard against any confu-
         imposed on all believers. Dissidents and non-  sion. The one God, the LORD (Yahweh) speaks
         conformists were banned and banished, and      to another individual who is called adoni my
         sometimes murdered for their protests.         lord). Readers should be alerted to the mislead-
                                                        ing capital letter (in some versions -- the error is
         Professor J.H. Ellens of the University of Michi-  corrected in RV, RSV, NRSV, NAB, NEB,
         gan provides the information needed for under-  JPS) on that second "lord." The capital letter in-
         standing that unfortunate historical development  vites the reader to think that this second "lord" is
         in his booklet The Ancient Library of Alexan-  in fact the Lord God! The original, adoni, how-
         dria and Early Christian Theological Devel- ever, is invariably a title which tells us that its re-
         opment    (The   Institute  for  Antiquity  and cipient is not God, but a human superior. It is
         Christianity, at the Claremont Graduate School,  this  non-Deity  title for the Messiah which at-
         Occasional Papers, No. 27). Ellens summarizes tracted the interest also of Jesus in his discussion
         his findings: "It seems patently true that the  in Mark 12:35-37. Jesus instructed his Pharisaic
         agenda of the ecumenical councils of the Chris- audience to ponder  in what sense  the Messiah
         tian Church, which permanently shaped the dog-  can be at the same time the son of David and the
         matic tradition of the Christian faith [in terms of lord of David. We today must urge readers to
         the doctrine of the Trinity]...was not a biblical  consider in what sense  the Messiah is the lord
         agenda. It was rather a special type of Hellenistic  of David. The wrong answer to the question ap-
         and Neo-Platonist agenda...It is time, therefore, pears in those translations which write "Lord,"
         for the Christian Church to acknowledge that it  giving the impression that the original was
         has a very special type of material which consti-  ADONAI (which it is not) meaning always "the
         tutes its creedal tradition. It is not a creedal tradi-  Lord God" (all 449 times in the OT).
         tion of Biblical Theology. It is not a unique,
         inspired, and authoritative word from God. It is,  The right answer is found in the 195 occurrences
         rather, a special kind of Greek religio-       of this Hebrew word "my lord" (ADONI). In no
         philosophical mythology...It should be candidly case is it ever a form of address to Deity. There-
         admitted by the Church, then, that its roots are  fore Jesus is the human lord Messiah, not Deity,
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