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A massive, contrary, Greek-influenced tradition  "He [the king] is to read from the book of the
         developed from the second century onwards.      Law every day of his life..." (Deut. 17:9).
         This was later built into the great creeds of the
         mainstream Roman Catholic Church (at Nicea,     "His delight is in God's instruction [the Torah] and
         325, and Chalcedon, 451). It required Christians  in that instruction he meditates day and night" (Ps.
         to submit to the dogma that God is "three Per-  1:2).
         sons in One God."
                                                         "O how I love your instruction. It is my medita-
         Was this development a faithful reflection of the  tion day and night" (Ps. 119:97).
         belief of Jesus, or was it a departure into pagan-
         ism and mysticism? In reply, we propose to dem-  "My eyes precede the night watches so that I
         onstrate that current theological systems overlook  may meditate on Your word" (Ps. 119:148).
         an obvious fact. They do this by their dogmatic
         insistence that since Jesus is called "Lord" he  "Search the Scriptures" (John 5:39).
         must also be Deity, the One God. The argument
         is repeated over and over again. It appears in lit-  "Make them holy through Your truth; Your word
         erature both scholarly and popular. Jesus is Lord.  is the truth" (John 17:17).
         Therefore he must be God.
                                                         "These were more noble-minded and they
         The facts of the Bible, however, require a more  searched the Scriptures daily to see if what they
         careful analysis. Does it really follow logically and  were hearing was true" (Acts 17:11).
         necessarily that calling Jesus "Lord" means calling
         him the supreme God? Or does the current theo-  "Let the word of the Messiah dwell in you richly
         logical theory simply read that idea into the Bible?  with all wisdom" (Col. 3:16).
         Does it impose itself upon Scripture, instead of
         reading Truth out of Scripture?                 "Jesus Christ came to give us an understanding
                                                         [Clark calls this the most intelligent word found in
         An outspoken defender of what he thought was the Greek language] that we might know God" (I
         the only orthodoxy was Dr. Gordon Clark. In a   John 5:20).
         number of vigorously written booklets he defends
         the Westminster Confession, believing that it   "I can vouch for them [the Jews] that they have
         faithfully relays the teaching of the Bible. Dr. an enthusiasm for God, but it is an enthusiasm
         Clark's insistence on the need for intelligent inves-  without understanding" (Rom. 10:2).
         tigation of the Bible is beyond praise. We agree
         with him wholeheartedly that the following verses The exhortation provided by this sampling of
         require of the Christian a wholehearted commit-  Scripture is unmistakable. A Christian cannot af-
         ment to reading, studying and meditating on the  ford to be neglecting his primary duty before
         Bible:                                          God: to read and study and think about what he
         "These words are to be in your heart, and you
         are to teach them diligently to your children, and  Urged on by the Westminster Confession and un-
         you are to talk about them..." (Deut. 6:6, 7).  able to break away from the tradition which

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