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P. 37

Islam, Mohammed, Ephraim

                                                 and Prophecy

                                                              Yair Davidy

                            In Arabia and Syria-Palestine there once existed important and ancient Jewish communities
                       which the Arabs were destined to, in effect, destroy.

                            A psychopathic vision-seeing Arab named Mohammed [Muhammed] (550-632 c.e.) decided
                       that he had received a prophetic revelation superseding all others and proceeded to persuade his fel-
                       low countrymen to believe in him. Wars were fought against non-believers and the Arabian Jews were
                       treacherously exterminated at Mohammed's direction and the presence of Jews in the Arabian Penin-
                       sula ultimately forbidden for all time, up to the present!

                            Regarding the future, some type of ill-fated bond between Ephraim and the followers of Islam
                       appears to be spoken of in the Biblical Book of Hosea. It is obvious that the same Biblical prophecies
                       may legitimately often be understood in several entirely different ways -- as they were perhaps in-
                       tended to be. The relevant verses discussed here do not necessarily contain any prophetical reference
                       to Islam but nevertheless the possibility should be taken into account.

                            The verses should be seen in their context. The verses concerned have been rendered here as lit-
                       erally as possible and therefore at first glance may appear difficult to understand. The overall message
                       is that the prophet Hosea condemns Ephraim, uses a word which may be understood to be a form of
                       the name "Mohammed," speaks of the region of Egypt and the east, and predicts a disaster which
                       somehow involves a mad prophet identified traditionally as "Mohammed." The quotations are from
                       Hosea chapter nine:

                            Do not be happy Israel, do not rejoice like (other) peoples, for you have sinned (and
                            gone) away from your God...(Hosea 9:1).

                            They will not dwell in the land of the LORD, Ephraim shall return to Mitsrayim (Egypt)
                            and eat unclean (-food) in Assyria (9:3).

                            For behold they are gone due to looting Egypt (Mitsrayim), Moph (Memphis) gathers them,
                            Machmad [i.e. Mohammed?] buries them, their silver ensnared, the thorn in their tents
                            (tabernacles) inherits them (9:6).

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