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P. 36

The fact is, we are still  dying  in this world. If you do not believe me, just check the obituary
        section of your local newspaper. Man is only in the LIKENESS of YEHOVAH at this time -- man was
        created to  resemble  YEHOVAH. Man has a form just like YEHOVAH's: a head, chest, arms, legs,
        feet, etc. -- just as the Bible describes YEHOVAH as having.

               However, Yeshua the Messiah -- because he is the FIRST to be raised from the dead to
        eternal life -- is NOW in the FULL IMAGE of YEHOVAH; he is PERFECTED. He has become the
        First, or the Beginning -- AMONG MEN -- to reach the state of PERFECT, completed, whole crea-
        tion, as YEHOVAH's plan for mankind is.

               Therefore, he was NOT referring to pre-existence in calling himself the "Beginning" in Revelation
        22:13. Yeshua the Messiah simply means that HE was the "Beginning" -- the FIRST PERFECTED of
        YEHOVAH's whole creation plan for mankind.

               There is no evidence whatsoever that the phrase "the Alpha and the Omega" refers to the Mes-
        siah -- in fact, the exact opposite is apparent when we carefully examine the occurrences of this phrase
        in the Book of Revelation.

                                          Good Health

              Health is God's endowment, His own good gift to man.
                     Deformity, disease, and death had no part in the plan
              -- for the making of a world where man was meant to be
                     -- God's creation and companion. Perfect, strong and free.

              But man was not contented with perfection. More he craved
                     -- lusting after the knowledge of good and evil. Thus enslaved
              -- he set about his own destruction, poisoning the seas
                     -- tainting earth and air and rivers, herbs and plants and trees.

              And so a blessing more to be desired than worldly wealth
                     -- has been withdrawn: life's natural gratuity of health...
              Is it too late for penitence, the lost way to retrace?
                     Too late for purification of the blood and of the race?
              Is it too late to beg that He His people would re-endow --
                     with health of body, mind and spirit? Lord, hear us -- here and now!

                                                                                                                        -- PATIENCE STRONG

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