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for example. Also, if we examine the original Greek for "King of kings and Lord of lords" we will
                       quickly discover that the first "King" and the first "Lord" in this title both start with upper case let-
                       ters -- showing Him to be the ULTIMATE "King" of all kings and the ULTIMATE "Lord" of all
                       lords. Some argue that the Lamb (Yeshua) depicted in Revelation 17:14 also has these titles and
                       must, as a result, be the Rider of the horse represented in Revelation 19. But, once again, if we
                       closely examine the original Greek we will first of all find that the title is REVERSED from that in
                       Revelation 19 and reads instead "lord of lords and king of kings." Then we will notice that the first
                       "lord" and the first "king" of the title are lower case in the Greek -- showing that Yeshua was (as
                       pictured here in Revelation 17:14) NOT the ultimate "lord of lords" or the ultimate "king of kings."
                       He is a LOWER "lord of lords" and "king of kings," which entirely agrees with Yeshua's statement
                       that his Father was greater than he.

                              The title in Revelation 19:16 expresses YEHOVAH (YHVH) THE FATHER'S rulership
                       over all creation and all the kings and lords therein. It is equivalent to the phrase "King of kings of
                       kings" which the Jewish Siddur (prayer book) applies to YHVH in this song which introduces the
                       Sabbath in many Jewish homes --

                              Welcome, ministering angels, messengers from the Most High,
                              from the King of kings of kings, the HOLY ONE, blessed be he.
                              Come in peace....bless me with peace,...go in peace...." (Jewish New
                              Testament Commentary, p. 840).

                              When we add all these proofs up, the clear and astounding TRUTH is that Revelation 19
                       pictures the glorious RETURN OF YEHOVAH GOD'S "SHEKINAH" PRESENCE to this earth to
                       rule, with the Messiah directly under Him, from the new Third Temple in Jerusalem. May YEHO-
                       VAH hasten that day!

                                                    The Second Coming of Yeshua

                              So, what of the return of Yeshua? If Revelation 19 depicts the "Shekinah" returning to this
                       earth, do the Scriptures elsewhere record the future event of the Messiah's Second Coming? They
                       surely do -- in Revelation 10:1-7. Notice!

                              Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. HE WAS DRESSED IN A
                              CLOUD, with a RAINBOW over his head; his face was LIKE THE SUN, his legs like col-
                              umns of fire; and he had a little scroll lying open in his hand. He planted his right foot ON
                              THE SEA and his left foot ON THE LAND, and shouted in a voice as loud as THE ROAR
                              OF A LION; and when he shouted, seven thunderclaps sounded with voices that spoke.
                              When the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven say,

                                     "Seal up the things the seven thunders said,
                                     do not write them down!"

                              Then the angel I saw standing on the sea and on the land lifted his right hand toward heaven
                              and swore by the One who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and what is in it,
                              earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it: THERE WILL BE NO MORE DE-

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