Page 42 - BV13
P. 42

The phrase "The Word of God" is thought by many to refer to Yeshua the Messiah -- and
        they try to link this phrase to the "logos" of John 1:1. However, there is absolutely NO justification
        for doing this. In fact, NOWHERE in the Bible does this phrase refer to Yeshua! In most cases in
        the New Testament, "the word of God" refers to the message or words revealed through the writ-
        ings of the Old Testament or Torah. However, and note this, there are a few passages in the Bible
        that indicate a DIRECT communication from YEHOVAH, through the "Shekinah," took place. No-
        tice I Kings 12:22 --

               But THE WORD OF GOD came to Shemaiah, the man of God: "Say to King Rehoboam
               son of Solomon of Judah, and to all the House of Judah and Benjamin and the rest of the
               people: Thus said the LORD [YEHOVAH, YHVH]: You shall not set out to make war on
               your kinsmen the Israelites. Let every man return to his home, for this thing has been
               brought about by Me." They heeded THE WORD OF THE LORD [YEHOVAH] and
               turned back, in accordance with THE WORD OF THE LORD [YEHOVAH, YHVH]. --
               The Tanakh.

               Here "the word of God" is clearly identified with "the word of the LORD [YEHOVAH],"
        showing that "the word of God" is the SAME as "the word of the LORD" -- and is certainly indi-
        cated to be the "Shekinah" of the LORD [YEHOVAH] communicating with Shemaiah.

               Similarly, in I Chronicles 17, we read: "But that same night THE WORD OF GOD came to
        Nathan: 'Go and say to My servant David: Thus said the LORD [YEHOVAH], YHVH]: You are
        not the one to build a house [Temple] for Me to dwell [shakan] in" (verses 3-4).

               Once again, we find here that the phrase "THE WORD OF GOD" is associated with YE-
        HOVAH and indicates that He is communicating to Nathan the prophet by means of His holy
        "Shekinah." In the New Testament we read where "the word of God" came to John the Baptist --

               Annas and Caiaphas being high priests, THE WORD OF GOD came to John the son of
               Zacharias in the wilderness. And he went into all the region around the Jordan, preaching
               a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, as is written in the book of the words of
               Isaiah the prophet, saying:

                       "The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
                       'Prepare the way of the LORD [YEHOVAH, YHVH],
                       Make His paths straight.'"

               Here we see that John the Baptist receives a direct communication from YEHOVAH God
        which tells him to "prepare the way of the LORD [YEHOVAH] -- thus linking the "word of God"
        with the One called YEHOVAH or YHVH.

               In Revelation 19:13 the phrase "The Word of God" is capitalized in the original Greek,
        thereby indicating the Rider of the white horse to be the physical "Shekinah" representation of YE-
        HOVAH -- a component of the same "force" that directly communicated with Shemaiah, Nathan
        and John the Baptist.

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