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mind is not like the Mind of God -- should have known  Whilst most involve my work with the Ark and the
         that even more than I realized!                Temple and environs, we will do a couple based on the
                                                        satellite image on our site showing Eden in Turkey,
         I was also unaware just how much Greek philosophy  which together with my work on "Tower of Babel" and
         can be equated with the wolves entering the fold of the  Pitman & Ryan's work re. the flood and the Black Sea.
         sheep and bringing in their heresies such as a second
         god which led f.i. to Christianity accepting Jesus as  I would therefore very much like to reprint your article
         God the Son, an erroneous perception now so prevalent  on "The Flood" on our web-site and hope you might be
         in the doctrine of the Trinity.                available for an on camera interview when we shoot ei-
                                                        ther in November or next May depending upon the po-
         One only has to look it up in Strong's Concordance to  litical situation in Israel.
         know that the Bible never mentions a God the Son.
         Paul's perceptivity was "right on" in being aware of the  Ever,
         false prophets that had already entered the Church of  M.
         the people of God, the ekklesia. And by 325 A.D. the
         rot had really set in, so much so that the 318 bishops  COMMENT:  Feel free to reprint the article on the
         could not agree on a united "press release" and so Con-  Flood.
         stantine put his foot down and forced upon the Church
         his ideas so there might be unity, unity in his empire              ***
         but certainly  no unity in the Church of God because
         there has been dis-unity ever since and further fired by  Dear Brethren:
         the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church and of the
         Greek Orthodox Church and their offsprings, sadly  Thank you for the latest Berean Voice which I received
         even those of the Protestant denominations (the daugh-  in the mail three days ago. I do have a question
         ters of the whore). It seems to me that, in some ways,  though....the edition that you sent was the July/August
         two thousand years have gone by without the message  edition. You had already sent that edition to us. Was
         that Jesus came to bring having reached any but the  this sent by mistake? I was looking forward to the
         very few. His message of the Kingdom of God has  September/October  edition. If you have printed the
         been changed into "another Gospel." No wonder a New  issue for this current period would you please send it?
         Covenant will have to take care of that AFTER these
         days (and for the few now to more and more to be real-  Thank you for your diligence in research, study, and
         ized as a reality).                            prayer that you invest in your search for TRUTH. The
                                                        LORD's ministry through you is a tremendous blessing
         I have been praising Anthony Buzzard's article so much  to us. Our daily prayer is that all believers will one day
         but please, I so very much enjoyed and learned from  be united by "the unity of the faith." May you be greatly
         the other articles, such as re: the Antichrist, the Idol  rewarded as you "search the scriptures daily."
         Shepherd, the Hidden Codes, the Sabbaths and proofs
         that Yeshua did not pre-exist. I could go on and on re-  Praise be to the one true God, YHVH!!!
         ferring to those articles as well. Truly an exceptional
         copy of The Berean Voice! Many thanks.         D.M.

         With warm greetings,                           COMMENT: Oops! Sorry about that! We are running
         S. (Australia).                                a little late with issues of the BV, but you should have
                                                        the September/October issue by now.
         Dear John:
         I do hope you are well.
                                                        I have a question about the land of Israel compared to a
         Following the success of our two specials for NBC we  Palestinian land. I know that the area has been called
         are preparing another 7.                       Palestine, and that the Romans gave it that name, when
                                                        they occupied Israel and that unfortunately it has

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