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the Egyptian Pharaoh and the Egyptians of old manifested. As the prophet Isaiah put it: "For the
                       people turneth not unto Him that smiteth them, neither do they seek the Lord of hosts" (Isaiah 9:13).

                                                          Redemption is Nigh

                              And now, at the end, He is holding back the day of Judgment (even though men scoff at His
                       warnings) because "the long suffering of our God is salvation," and because He is "not willing that
                       any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:3, 4, 9, 15).

                              Today we are seeing an increase in terrorist attacks from the fundamental element of Islam,
                       and these will continue until the return of Yeshua as pictured in the end of the sixth trumpet in
                       chapter 10 of the Book of Revelation. Moslems believe the 21st century to be the "century of Is-
                       lam," when all the world must be subjugated to Islam -- and they also believe that the annihilation
                       of Israel is their precursor to the conquest of the West.

                              There will be no peace -- and can be no peace -- between Islam and Israel and the West,
                       because the Koran itself forbids it. Moslems reverence both the Koran and Muhammad, Allah's
                       prophet, and the Koran   states that Jews and infidels (Christians) are: "enemies of Allah, the
                       Prophet and the angels" (Sura 2:97-98).

                              YEHOVAH God will certainly use Islam's hatred of Israel and the West, the nations' inher-
                       ent anti-Semitism, Western and Eastern greed for profits and power, and the spiritual bankruptcy
                       of the leaders of Israel and the United States, to set the scene for the final acts of this age. The evil
                       spirit of Islam manifests itself in barbaric men like Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Yasser
                       Arafat, Abu Nidal, George Habash, to name but a few -- to whom torture and violent murder is as
                       natural as breathing. Men such as these find their excitement in planning murderous outrages, like
                       piloting passenger planes into high rise buildings with the resultant death of thousands.

                              It is a spiritual conflict waged by a satanic force against the people and purposes of YE-
                       HOVAH. The upcoming Islamic-inspired confrontations with Israel and the United States will be
                       of major proportions. The spirit of Islam is the most powerful evil force active in the world today.
                       YEHOVAH God, however, is the greatest power active in our universe! The spirit of Islam is on a
                       collision course with "the Mighty God of Jacob" (Psalms 132: 2,5, etc.), and so are the spirits of
                       Mammon and power. But YEHOVAH's power is awesome. Redemption stands at the threshold,
                       ready to enter the world scene. Whether you are Gentile, Jew or Moslem, call now upon the
                       "Coming One in whom is salvation" (Zechariah 9:9). Everlasting life is the gift of YEHOVAH --
                       He promises to give us "a new heart" and "put His Spirit within" us (Ezekiel 36: 26-27). Now,
                       could be the "acceptable time," today, could be your "day of salvation" (Isaiah 49:8). Look up!
                       Rejoice! Redemption draws near!

                       Coming Soon...

                                                     Just Who Is -- "The Alpha and the Omega"?
                                                     The Tithe in Scripture
                                                     Jehad and Paradise (Part 2)

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