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"...the Moon gives the sign for the festival..." (Sirach, Chapter 43:7).

                              "...let all the festivals and sabbaths and new days of exemption..." (1 Mac-
                              cabes, Chapter 10:34).

                              "...the festival of weeks...[perhaps lunar-based weeks] (2 Maccabes, Chapter 12:3).

                              "...[Feasting] occurs at...'Sabbatwn', and at...'noumhniwn' (or the New Moons)..." (Judith

                              1 Samuel 20:5-6,18,24,27; 21:5.

                              "[A Temple sacrifice is required] every day, at the beginning and at the ending of the day;
                              but on the seventh day, which is called the Sabbath, [two are required]. At the new moon,
                              [yet additional sacrifices are required]." (Antiquities Of The Jews, by Josephus, Book 3,
                              Chapter 10:1).

                              "The high priest [officiated]...on the seventh days and new moons..." (Wars Of The Jews,
                              by Josephus, Book 5, Chapter 5:7).

                              Some historical researchers postulate that the Israelite Shabbath (an acknowledged lunar-
                       based cycle) must have originated in association with the Babylonian week (also lunar  based).
                       Here, it is evident that the "the week...was the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th
                       days of every [lunar] month". ( Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, by Hastings, Sabbath:

                              Some historians disagree -- at least in part -- with the premise that the Babylonian week is
                       the origin of the Israelite Shabbath, and instead, they prefer a slightly different  hypothesis: "the
                       Babylonian Sabattu and the Israelite Sabbath, sprang from a common [Semite] source...." (Inter-
                       preter's Dictionary, First Edition: Sabbaths).

                              This indicated original lunar-based definition of the Sabbath cycle seems to indeed be de-
                       tectable in a number of biblical texts -- where calendar terms: new moons (or technically: new be-
                       ginnings) and Sabbaths are chronologically linked together:

                              "And he said, Wherefore wilt thou go to him to day? it is neither new moon [chodesh], nor
                              Sabbath. And..." (AV of 2 Kings 4:23).

                              "And it shall come to pass, that from one new  moon [chodesh] to another, and from one
                              Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD." (AV of
                              Isaiah 66:23).

                              "Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be
                              shut the six working days; but on the Sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new
                              moon [chodesh] it shall be opened." (AV of Ezekiel 46:1).

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