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D. They will repent bitterly, turn to YEHOVAH God in obedience, and be-
               come an example for other nations to follow.

               4. What does the “valley of dry bones” in Ezekiel 37 picture?

               A. The utter destruction at the close of human misrule.
               B. The destruction of all mankind.
               C. A resurrection to spiritual life.
               D. Millions of Israelites who died in the past being physically resurrected af-
               ter the Millennium to receive their first chance to understand YEHOVAH’s
               master plan, develop His character and receive eternal life.

               5. What will not contribute to Israel’s obedience toward YEHOVAH God?

               A. Their realization, through the influence of the holy spirit, of having sinned

               against YEHOVAH God.
               B. Their receipt of a large measure of the holy spirit which will help them to
               C. Attending church regularly on Sunday.
               D. Their appreciation for YEHOVAH’s manifold mercy.

               6. The first part of the promises YEHOVAH God made to Abraham was

               A. the promise of the Messiah and salvation through him.
               B. material and national – that Abraham’s descendants would become a
               great nation.
               C. spiritual and therefore individual in nature.
               D. not fulfilled in any way.

               7. After Adam and Eve rejected YEHOVAH God as Revealer of spiritual
               knowledge, YEHOVAH

               A. limited spiritual knowledge and salvation to the descendants of Abra-
               B. called the majority of men and women prior to the Messiah’s first ap-
               C. offered the holy spirit to all their descendants.
               D. shut off Adam and Eve and their descendants from His holy spirit and
               revealed truth.

               8. Prior to Abraham, only three men are specifically mentioned in the Vible
               as having followed YEHOVAH’s way. They were:

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